Assa Rogue vs Warrior

Hello guys. Could you someone explain how to kill Warrior with Rogue :smiley: I tried almost everything and look like its impossible. Dont understand balance between some classes. I think rogue should be have same big chance destroy warrior. But if rogue is control spec. So why reduced duration of cheapshot . I will be glad for each advice . Even one vanish is poorly bad

Its the classic game of cat vs mouse, you find a pillar. You open, do your thing. Leave when he tries to burst, reset, re-open. Rinse repeat till warrior = dead. I wouldn’t bother with cheap shot as sin rogue, cheap shot is mostly used for cc targets. Kidney always goes on kill target as sin rogue.

If theres no pillar you have to just try and hold your defensives for his offensive cds or try and get him to burn trinket before his burst so you can blind sap off and reset.

If you want to confirm opener you MfD> kidney

If the warrior is arms and he’s good - you can’t. I fought 30+ duels against

worldofwarcraft.blizzard. com/en-gb/character/eu/defias-brotherhood/scardrex

approximately 3 weeks ago. I won 1, I lost all the others. In many of the duels I wasn’t even close. I tried everything. It was simply impossible due to the way these two specs work at the moment if played well.
I have played this rogue since 2014 and I’ve always been assassination - it’s what I do

I feel the pain in this post, warriors are so painfull, if you dont have trinket its the worse.
even in 2s and 3s, the charge+banner > bladestorm > stun+brust > another bladestorm > leap to healer > fear
and if its fury it heals like a mofo.

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