Assas rogue pvp question

So, I started playing/learning rogue first time ever in S3. I am plagued by overthinking during matches. For example, if I am close to a second (tea/dance/trinket/deathmark/kingsbane/etc) burst window and, let’s say, a healer (off target) is keeping distance, should I run to a healer (off target) and try to CC or just unleash everything on a kill target and hope to kill due to dampening? Is the general nature of assas rogue to close matches with a perfect CC or the pressure they make ends matches?
In the above scenario, I, of course, included the possibility of my teammate doing CC for that particular go.

“Killing through healing due to dampening” as you put it depends both on how high dampening is and what healer you’re facing.

If your teammate can CC while you hurst someone down, perfect. If he can’t, or can’t alone, then you help because since you have Dance you don’t actually need Kidney for whoever you want to kill, so you can use it for CC.

The thing is, you shouldn’t find yourself often in the situation where it’s hard to reach anyone because Assa shines when it can bleed multiple targets so you always want to play in a way that allows you to do that. Basically you want to force people to be close together. And so, with a bit of pre planning you should be able to Kidney someone and Dance on the other someone when the time comes (there are exceptions of course, such as RDruid Hunter in 2v2). To accomplish that, you will usually hit healers a lot because then they have to watch themselves and their DPS, they have to wonder whether they need to avoid CC or damage, and you should get the enemy DPS to come and help because if you’re left totally alone on a healer with 0 peels, eventually you will kill him. The DPS comes, good, now targets are close, you can re DoT everybody, or go with stuns on several enemies, then your go ends, you stay on one enemy but all have DoTs so all take damage even if they create distance, next go comes up, close distance before if necessary, either stun healer, dps comes to peel, DoT all, rinse and repeat, or stun dps, healer comes in range and los to heal, step him, re DoT him, rinse and repeat.

It is … how it works in theory. In practise there are always things that happen, but you want to try and make the game look roughly like this. If you’re stuck on one target, the spec is useless.


Much appreciated!

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