Assasination tier set is still bugged

2 set bonus is still forcing you into combat after you vanish.

Unplayable bug.

You can test this by putting rupture on target dummy with 2 set and then vanish. After 3 seconds your stealth will break and you’ll be back in combat.

Now unequip 2 set and try again and it will not happen.


Don’t worry, blizz said the bug will be fixed right after the rogue’s balance and tuning next patch!

Okay thanks, that’s nice to hear!

Whoops, balance and tuning are now postponed to hell knows when, better luck next time!

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This is insane, I could have had 4 set for weeks now.

Fix the damn bug already!

“Hey, apparently the tier set breaks stealth for rogues, should we maybe do something about it”?

“Nah, stealth’s not an important ability for rogues anyway, I’m sure everything’s fine.”

-the 2 Blizz devs that are currently NOT on vacation


Very optimistic to assume there are 2 or more people working on Rogues. Judging by results, it’s likely just one overworked Dev, who also handles several other things, and Rogues remain a very low priority.


Still not fixed, its so cringe it takes so long man… I sent this video inn to bug report 2 months ago

brother, this bug will be fixed when s3 is released. that’s all. they don’t understand rogue, that’s what they said.

But the gearing will start anew, the old tier will be irrelevant at that point…

Tested without gear and rupture crits takes you out of stealth occasionally, with tier set every tick takes away stealth.
Garrote seems not be affected by this.

Rupture bug.

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we know since live this sh4t season yeah :))

Guys, for PVP, I’d actually stopped using tier and bought new pvp pieces without tier on them. I am able to restealth, and I have more mastery. Because the tier bonuses are halved in pvp anyway, I am at the same dps.


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