Assassination trinket macro question

Simple question really, I’m wondering what to macro to my Vendetta, a 420 ilvl Lustrous Golden Plumage from KR that gives an instane burst, or a 410 ilvl Lurker’s Insidious Gift from heroic Uu’nat that gives a mastery increase over time, both of them share the same cd and as Vendetta.

Mastery tends to scale better by default due to what it just does, its something I think you should test on a target dummy with recount/details and it should answer the question for you. In my case its a no brainer since I only have one on-use trinket best of luck testing!

I have the exact same setup that you do. A 420 plumage and a 410 unat trinket, the unat trinket sims around 350 more for me.

For my wpvp, pvp, m+ and dailies I use plumage, for our bod mythic team I use the unat trinket.

On single target the unat does noticeablely better damage than the plumage at the expense of damage to yourself.

Small note: the damage the trinket causes you does not cancel the buff from the stormglide steps ( if you have them ).

I dont know if i am doing it totally wrong but i use both of them. I open in ST fights with vendetta+plumage, when they expire i use vanish garrote uunat garrote and rupture. It works fine for me. But please let me know if i am doing it in a wrong way:)

because of how the math works out, you want to stack as many damage modifiers as you can unless you have a good reason not to (such as needing medium burst at two different points, but that’s unusual).

if you’re doing 100 and 150 damage, and add a 10% buff to that, you end up with 110 and 165. if you were already doing 150, the 10% modifier added 15 instead of 10. this gets progressively stronger the more you stack on top.

what i’m getting at here is that you want to use vanish and your best trinket (lurker’s insidious gift) together with vendetta. don’t stagger cooldowns, stack all day.

the buff is the same for the full duration, the dot on you gets stronger as it goes on.

Ah yeah indeed I’m stupid. Idk why I started believing it stacked up also… Nvm.

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