Assertion failure

Been getting this error ever since I wanted to play last night. Every time I try to launch the game this error occurs. I tried reinstalling and repairing but nothing works. any ideas? I read something about clearing my WTF folder, but it’s empty already.

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Assertion failure!

Program: D:\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 13056
File: d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_2_0-branch-fastpatch-7\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12on10.cpp
Line: 428
Expr: SwapChain::Present threw an exception 2 times in a row

<Exception.IssueType> Exception
ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Assertion failure!
SwapChain::Present threw an exception 2 times in a row at d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_2_0-branch-fastpatch-7\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12on10.cpp(428)

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Good morning Arzeldon,

Please try all of the steps from this article here.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

fixed it! thank you

So, to better understand this before I do any stupid things, i will need to uninstall Twitch and all its addons I currently use and also ElvUI interface as well (since I use that one)? As bring World of Warcraft to its clean addon free state?

Yes, just to make sure no Addon is causing your issue. You can rename the interface older so that the addons are not loaded ingame, no need to uninstall everything.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

So… I renamed the all 3 folders (WTF Cache and Interface), uninstalled Twitch but same error still pops-up. The “Advanced Troubleshooting” thing I can’t figure how to use it since I can’t log-on to the game.

L.E.: I literally uninstalled anything related to addons and User Interface now… (Twitch, ElvUI, TradeSkillMaster, etc) whatever it could interfere with the game and same error still survives.
My subscription is active but can’t connect to the game. Please present other options to fix this.

The article I linked doesn’t have any advanced steps? Which article are you referring to?

And did you update all of your hardware drivers on the manufacturers pages? Including audio drivers?

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

All drivers are up to date.

And regarding the “Advanced Troubleshooting”…there at the end of the list, it is presented, though not “accessible”.

Resetting the WoW User Interface

Updated: 1 month ago

Article ID: 7549

Relevant Games:

Resetting your UI to default settings can resolve various display and interface issues. Before performing these steps, please temporarily uninstall any addon management software you are using. Addon managers will re-sync the data cleared by these steps.

  1. Completely exit World of Warcraft.
  2. Uninstall any addon managers to make sure they don’t re-add your removed addons.
  3. In the Blizzard Battlenet desktop application, click Options and select Show in Explorer (Windows®) or Reveal in Finder (Mac®).
  4. Open the World of Warcraft® folder.
  5. Open the retail folder.
  6. Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.
  7. Re-launch World of Warcraft so the changes can take effect.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If you continue to have errors, an addon or macro may have changed a console variable. You can reset this by typing the following command into your in-game chat box and pressing enter. You may receive a permission error, but the command will still work.

/console cvar_default

Ah, alright, you were referring to a different article than the one I linked, no problem. Could you please post a DXDiag and MSInfo here? If the data is too big to be posted on the forum directly, you can use a page like and post the link to it here then.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

I am having the same issue:

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Assertion failure!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail\Wow.exe_
ProcessID: 14588
File: d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_2_0-branch-fastpatch-7\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12on10.cpp
Line: 428
Expr: SwapChain::Present threw an exception 2 times in a row

<Exception.IssueType> Exception
ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Assertion failure!
_ SwapChain::Present threw an exception 2 times in a row at d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_2_0-branch-fastpatch-7\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12on10.cpp(428)_

I see that in the last hours many people are complaining about this and I’ve seen people stating that this happened after an Audio update. Well, I also had this update done today and started having this problem. I already tried the steps mentioned earlier (reset Interface, update drivers, etc) and it’s still not working.

EDIT: I found what is causing this error for me. I have a MSI laptop that comes with an audio enhancer software called “Nahimic”. This “audio update” reffered to such software. I killed the processes related to it and now I can play normally again. Weird though, why would this update create issues with graphics? (assuming that the DirectX12/11 solution is another alternative)


It’s possible it was trying to implement a graphical overlay, which seems to be a rather frustrating trend these days. Instead of normal control panels, they seem to think people want “overlay” control panels, and these can cause graphical problems.

I am trying to find information regarding this last update but I can’t find it though.

Thank you SIR. I’m also using MSI laptop and after i read your comment and killed my Nahimic process I was able to log on.

Unfortunately i uninstalled all addons and UI prior reading this, for nothing. :frowning:


Dear god, finally. I removed all my addons, I scanned and repaired my game several times, I updated all my drivers and finally I reinstalled my game AND still nothing.
Until I removed this Nahimic program I didnt even know came preinstalled with my laptop. Thank you

I have an MSI gaming desktop and I also uninstalled EVERYTHING :disappointed_relieved:
Killed all my Nahimic processes and I can now log in.
57.9gb download to go…

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Man thanks for the Help I removed Audio program ““Nahimic”” and every thing is working fine stupid Microsoft update

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Know what’s hilarious? Blizzard support told me to remove my Realtek driver and install Nahimic and I am having this EXACT problem.

I’ll uninstall and report back if it fixes things.

Another day lost to terrible blizzard support who mean well but never fix jack.
Yer im annoyed lost too many days fixing buggy Warcraft, the only game that fails constantly since 8.2.

Update: Removing Nahimic stopped the DX12 crashes.

Support suggest you stop advising people to install somthing not compatible with your game.

Also ONLY World of Warcraft has this isssue, Nahimic.

Another fine job by the community fixing Blizzards bodged programming.
And before fanboies claim it was Nahimic not Warcraft? Why ONLY Warcraft having this issue? any other game is fine.

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it’s normally a duck! (or a lame one in this case).

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I got this audio update today, and sure enough, WoW kept crashing. Uninstalling Nahimic and restarting my PC fixed it.

I can support the Nahimic love causing problem. Go straight to unistalling it, FIXED.
Exactly as said here, i got asked for restarting my PC after audio update(which noone asked for) After that this assertion failure vanished.
x470 MSI Gaming Pro Carbon MOBO