Aszhara is better leader than tyrande right?

just look at this and say what you think??


i can’t understand that we are the battery for elune

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Aszhara was a powerhouse of a queen who brought prosperity to her people for thousands of years.



We are talking about the women who enslaved and killed her own people and doomed the world for the promise of “More power”…

She was highly arrogant, powerhungry and didnt care for “the lower ones”. The more they explored the arcance, the less the “highborne” cared about everyone else.


Yep, that picture is clearly biased toward Aszhara…
A lot of things missing there, or overreacted.


Eh, no. Azshara literally tried to destroy her people and bring about the end of the world for her own vanity. Tyrande helped prevent that.


Tyrande brought prosperity to all her people for 10K years…Azshara only made it better for her select group of favored.




hmm, azshara who cleaved the world because she wanted that titan dick, or tyrande who didnt do that, i wonder

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this is only done becuse the devs or story tellers for that part, had an thougth that all women are damsels in distress, well that part was malfurion in distress but still, you can se this all over the place, Jaina beeing bipolar, sylvanas beeing insane, and the rest of the women chars in game have totaly wierd problems them selfs also,

That’s a joke right?

Tyrande was competent until the WoW devs pushes the Nelves in to the Alliance.

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Here are a few points about Azshara from the reddit threat I cherish.

The Virgin Tyrande Vs. The Chad Azshara

"Azshara’s such a boss she’s making it clear to N’zoth while drowning that she is a queen and he will respect that."

"Yeah. She basically said she will not serve and meant it. Unlike sylvannas who was serving and said she wouldn’t. Azshara is how you villain blizz. More azshara less sylvannas
Nzoth was so infuriated with her but had to do it anyway. That’s how you grab a villain by the bal*s."

"There’s a reason why she’s called queen and trande is just a high priestess"*

"Right and the deal Azshara makes with N’Zoth pretty clearly establishes that she’s not a slave; she stands in front of an Old God and says she would rather die. We’ve no indication that the Naga serve her out of anything but their own choice (Vashj’s existence indicates that they all have their own unique personalities and free will). N’Zoth, as their god, gives them the ability to survive the ocean, and gives them even more magical competency, allowing them to create a civilization that lasts 10,000 years.
Elune, meanwhile, can’t even give her sister a phone call to see if her souls got delivered, and the suicidal power she gives her favorite daughter is barely enough to kill Nathanos."

"I feel for NE fans, they are such a cool concept. However Malfurion and Tyrande have been almost exclusively backhanded around the place since the war of the ancients.
Like it or not, if they receive terrible writing - this is entirely consistent with how they have been written since we met them."

"When we meet Tyrande and the NE they are racist because of the “green skins”, and they chop down trees (something Night Elves done before wisps) and they charge in just to get backhanded around their own forest. They get the help of a demigod, and then still get backhanded around their own forest."

"Don’t forget about her husband sleeping for thousands of years and when he was finally awoken he got tilted when she released his brother. Elune knows how long she was sex deprived."
"No wonder she has became full fledge psycho warrior." (lol)

"I wish WoW writes could actually write good Tyrande stories. WC3 did nelf justice"

You may have misunderstood her.
She didn’t do teldrassil to feed the winter Queen, she “just” was unable to prevent teldrassil but used her power to try to send the Nightelf-souls to Ardenweald instead of to the arbiter.
It didn’t work because she didn’t know about the Jailer though.

Nothing malicious about it.

Tyrant who betrayed her own people to have demon daddy as a husband or moron who is okay with her goddess turning her people into fertilizer for some sister of hers.

Fandral was the best leader the Night Elves had and he wanted to sell their souls to the Firelord. But at least they would have been alive. Sargeras and Elune both want the Night Elves dead.

We’d best not start talking about how incompetent Greymane is as a leader… or Mr.Useless himself, Bolvar Fordragon.

kinda wondering why you’re bringing them up when this topic is about azshara and tyrande, not bolvar and genn, i do agree with you but this isnt about them

Azshara is better
Yes, she is powerhungry, vain and done some shady things… but when everything went down, she stayed with Her People, not ported away, tried to hold back the waves as long as she could… and squeezed N’Zoth’s balls till he agreed in to HER terms and saved not only her but Her People when she could have easly could just save herself
Tyrande? While preached about Mother Moon and all, not really done anything that actually helped her people or anything that could be considered the sign of a good leader
Tyrande is a High Priestess… and Azshara was and is a Queen
Its a bit like comparing Thalryssa and Elisande… you can’t really compare the two, because among the two, only one of them is a Leader
Same with Azshara and Tyrande


The topic is in a way about incompetent leaders. It’s not that unusual to stray little away from the main topic just to keep things a little interesting.

in that case, varian build himself a giant statue while the people in westfall are homeless and starving, the people in darkshire request aid from stormwind again and again and no response, and lakeshire has to hire mercenaries to take care of their problems instead of the stormwind army.


Did you even see the Warbringer Cinematic? She may did these things. But not because she loved her people. But because she is powerhungry, arrogant und needs subjects.

“Didnt port away and stayed with her people”. The freaking world got torn apart, where was she supposed to go? She was in the middle of a freaking hole in the world with massive Tsunamis going on.

And N´Zoth could very well let her die. He even showed it to her. She did nearly drown before he did anything, just to show that, in the end, HE is the one who makes the decision. Aszhara nearly doomed her people the second time with her arrogance there. (Discussion if the naga curse is dooming or not?)

i mean if i used to live on the surface for many long years, i’d feel pretty cursed for living underwater all of a sudden.