Aszune Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Aszune in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

  • Nay, Night Elf warrior
  • Righteous and Chronicles of Chaos

Should probably have posted on this. :cowboy_hat_face:


Righteous and Stormwind Vikings! We are remaking Righteous 2.0 and open for all friends and allies on alliance.

Say hi to us on Discord: https ://discord .gg/ TK4zyH9

Oh and, we have a short list that is still missing many many names. But if you played one of these bois during Vanilla, please please reach out.

Grimdarathon Mage
Titatovenar Mage
Uglynurse Dorf Priest
Tracer Paladin
Lenken Mage
Kolicha Warlock
Syantha Warlock
Kronos Paladin
Celal Hunter
Elvon Rogue
Tricky Rogue
Tidysammy Rogue
Thazienne Priest
Hyena Warlock
Lucidius Mage
Nippy Hunter
Larius Mage
Blaen Hunter
Blaens Wife Druid
Velvets Priest?
Kaupen Warrior
Skovsneglen Warrior
Elieehel Druid
Nagareboshi Mage
Holyslayer Paladin
Bravix Paladin
Kronos Paladin
Nikke Paladin
Atlantia Warlock

Dexien, Noctu, Rohain too!

Oh and of course Theseis and Huntyoudown, miss those two <3

Was Thragaz (Paladin) and Ragazus (Mage) during classic played in the guilds; Band of Brothers, FurionS, Alliance Bravehearts had friends in all members of the raiding Union between BoB, Lords of Midnight and well i can’t remember the last guild in the Union.

Hello everyone!

Sucks to see that Aszune nowadays is not doing to well, but if Blizzard will keep the naming consistent with the retail servers I will end up there again.

This Warlock is with me since mid-TBC and back then was named Iammighty.

I’ve played WoW on and off for many years, primarily in TBC - MoP era. I just couldn’t get hooked since WoD and despite a few attempts to return I just coudn’t stand the simplification of pretty much every aspect of the game.

There’s no way to list everyone I played with but one thing’s for sure, I had a freaking blast.

TL;DR - Project X / Slackers / Closure players - can’t wait to see you again.

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knowlan 60/70/80 lock here I was literally a kid in those days but a couple names spring to mind garoda,r twinkbet,t cnut?, littledeath etc if anyone recognises the name give me a shout regardless of the interaction :blush:

Brastion-light of azeroth/soulmates/soulraiders
Backdraft-Hands of Justice.
hope to see friends old and new in classic.

hope to see people from Ghost Legion and Drakan Templars too our 3 guild raiding alliance.


I’ve raided with Garoodar in Slackers during Cataclysm, when the guild fell apart he transferred to Silvermoon (and played in Inner Sanctum) and changed his name to Vilane.

Now his main is Vilanee I believe (on Tarren Mill) and according to wowprogress his btag is Viliana#2513.

I was in Project X during TBC too!!! I remember Hielenlikker but not many others.

Phaneon, Gnome Warrior.
Lords of Midnight amongst others.

Nice one for the intel and it is the same bloke. :slight_smile:

I remember Hielen, was a female gnome mage with extremely deep voice right?

What was your character name back then?

Rosara, Night Elf Druid.
Setherori, Draenei Mage (once tBC came out).

Don’t remember much to be honest. I was 12-15.

I plan to play horde side this expansion, but you never know if anybody recognises the name.

Silicon (Band of Brothers, Empire of Alliance, Silver Oak Guardians, Nidios & Others)
Went horde after that :smiley:

Moogyver, Sarp, Silicon (Again)

Cya in Warsong all o7

Stormrain - Hands of Justice / Danu Nephilimer
Lagy - Hands of Justice / Danu Nephilimer

Went to another server somewhere mid TBC.

Joined the discord named above, so the old Druid team of HoJ / The Karnaval of Pedesvir guys, feel free to give a poke! Been ages since I saw/heard any of you!


/poke Stormrain.