At this point, it's no longer Classic

Correct, this feature is taken straight from Cataclysm with the added new way of looking for the tank/healer through some obscure measurement rather than just the role you signed up for through RDF.

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I agree with you except the Badges. Tanks and Healers get already Loot Prio in Guild Raids, in Dungeons they should not get geared faster too. 10-20 Gold and some consumeables in the Bag if there is not a mount inside sound like a good deal

No they don’t, they’re rarer than dps sure, but they’re still doing the same dungeon, putting in the same effort, and thus should not be given extra loot, simple as that, you won’t see people running heroics they otherwise wouldn’t need due to this extra loot bag.

And with dual spec being in the game again, there will be a lot more healers and tanks than before.

We have had them try this system in cata, and it did barely anything to the queue times in LFD, and that’s when people can just sit on their butts in a city and hit 1 button to be put into a queue, but people really think this will encourage people to do content they otherwise wouldn’t bother doing?

How pathetic are you to insult someone over their race/gender choice, i mean really.

Yeah just rename it o wotlk: reforged


It is so simple. (but again most in blizz seem “simple” too.)

Find the old Game files, Load them on few servers and make success. You didnt have to do anything to the game.

But no, We need an excuse to keep paying all those “Game Managers and Game Designers”.

They had the chance to reply on every complain with “this is how the game was” But now every complain is rightfully Blizzard’s Fault.


Lmao, if someone is insulted over whether they picked blood elf or troll or undead or whatever in a game, then just drop the bomb already.

This guy is a troll, just check his name, every time harassing people.

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