At what mmr do people get a brain in blitz?

i have played at 1500 till around 23-2400 and im wondering when do people start going for objectives and open their eyes and stuff?

Some people are competent in 2.7 lobbies, so probably around that

Never, people just think it’s a deathmatch.

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Tbh past 1k8 people actually play for win, there is always some people only playing for hk and top the dmg meter but not that much after that.

The real answer is , never. You’ll always find some clowns even at 3k. But on average players tend to know how to play more often than not the higher you go.

But you’ll still always find that one person that’s clueless everygame, happens.

Wish it’s a deathmatch

Would be so much better if you actually have too PvP too win

If i play Blitz i play it like that
absolut destroying the team,pumping the meters , LF 1v1 in narnia & sending them too the craveyard and
then loose because i ignore all objects

nO ReGERateS

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As long disc priest healing them answer is NEVER…

Disc priest put people where they DO NOT BELONG…
Guy not using defensives good, guy not doing enough damage good, guy doing his 123 without any situaton awerness good, disc priest is there to allow them see victory screen.

Than those guys come to play with other healers, and we have spectacular deaths with no single defensive used, right now priest is capable to somehow fix major mistakes of team mates, those same mistakes are automatic loses with other non S tier healers.

Why they shoud learn anything? when they still can see victory screen? and why they shoud care since in 80% of their games discs healing them…

people think its a death match

zerg in the middle and complain they are gods because they got 20 kills while the enemy team captures the flag twice

then you have like 2-3 people that actually do objectives, get stuck at 1600 and then quit the game entirely because of the selfish people playing for kills

  • in my opinion rating should be based on objectives , ie you get +15 rating for each flag capture you have done, to incentivise the objectives

They should bring back brawl blitz to serve as a requirement, who wants to play rated blitz must first collect for example 30 wins in brawl blitz with small additional requirements related to map mechanics. Although many players are so clueless that I would put a special requirement of 100 wins for them.

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I had the best matches at 2.7 mmr.

I still have good matches on my alt at 1.9k mmr. Either you are lucky and get a good team or you get people that farm hk’s. Its maxrng

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Never dude… never. MMR should be only personal and never be affected by window lickers in your team.

Right now, playing at a mmr of 2k5 or below is like playing at 1600-1800. Many people are still making mistakes that are not appropriate for that mmr, rookie mistakes. It’s incredible how many bgs I’ve lost due to absurd mistakes this past week, wondering what they’re doing at that mmr.

yeah i noticed at 2.7-3k people are coming when u call inc

at 2k mmr on my alt, i called inc, and nobody came to me while i had a inc of 4 people for 5 minutes

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Yeah its pretty bad and you need to get lucky to get a few competent people on your team that cares to win.

Pray to the rng gods.

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