Atal dazar juggernaut charge monk statue safespot?

Before everyone had a fair chance at safespotting the juggernauts charge in AD but you decided that should not be allowed. But putting a monk statue out in range while everyone is stacking in melee makes the juggernauts charge the statue (which never dies) and nobody takes any damage?? So now only specific classes and specs are allowed to trivialize the juggernauts, not everyone i guess??

You can of course also stun/cc them the moment they jump.
Every spec has something to ‘cheat’ somewhere somehow in a dungeon. That is because we have class diversity. I think that is pretty cool.

Every class can cheat this, its called max range baiting and moving. You just need legs.

you have to be a special kind of stupid to compare manually dodging the charges to juggernauts charging an unkillable totem, im not surprised tho since its coming from a panda player :rofl:

You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to insinuate only certain classes can trivialise a mechanic when anybody can… by moving.

Double that for mentioning player race, especially when you play a bovine.

They should ignore pets and guardians. It’s kinda busted that you can still cheese this.

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