[A]<The Brotherhood of Might> LF Casual Raiders

The Brotherhood of Might is a casual raiding guild. Being social is important The guild has been around since Vanilla. This in good and bad days.
Respect and friendliness are very important for us. We want to progress in this game but keep it light and relaxed in the progress. Failure is not bad, but a learning curve.

In the end of 9.1.5 the guild has been less active. So in 9.2 we want to build a small and active raid group to try and get the curve and trying to get KSM.
Again ,While doing this FUN en Respect is very important.

For the rest of the progress you can check us out on raider.io or wowprogress

To join for raiding we do ask your commitment to the team and the guild.
This includes getting ready, contribute for feasts,flasks, be active, help others and most important are in for the long game !!
Bring your joy, respect and friendliness :wink:

Raid Times:
Wednesday : 8 PM CET to 11 PM CET (20:00-23:00)
Sunday : 8 PM CET to 11 PM CET (20:00-23:00)

Are you a experienced or a new player, you are all welcome.
You want to join an fun an relaxed group ?
Please contact me or in game or add me to Bnet: Tostie#2772
You can always apply through the ingame guild finder.
Socials are more than welcome too.

See you here!

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