Attonement change!

Attonement - Gain Attonement, damaging spells increased by 25% for 15 seconds. All damage dealt during Attonement heals up to 5 nearby allies for 50% of damage dealt. 30s Cooldown.

yes please!

No, please!


For the love of god no please.

I would much rather this:

Atonement - Passive:
All damage is increased by 10% (can be adjusted if needed). All damage caused by the priest heals a nearby ally within 100 yards for 40% (can also be adjusted if needed) of all damage dealt.

just copy the passive effect from the old Vamperic Embrace spell. Makes Disc Priest so much simpler to play with less buff management to worry about.

what pisses me off is when people who don’t enjoy disc’s mechanic offer stupid suggestons instead of playing some other class/spec…

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I started playing fistweaver because disc is cack mate. Love it

“Sorry you died, atonement decided to heal other people”

“Oh there is aoe damage going on? Sorry I am unable to heal more than one random person at a time”

Sounds like great changes.

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Like I said, it can be adjusted and should work like old passive VE which healed everyone for a small amount on damage.

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