Auction House bug

I just put all my herbs i saved, everything in AH disappeared, lost over 100k+ worth of materials, i want a refund angy.


This is no longer possible, now I have been playing wow for years and this should be a nice expansion, but unfortunately it has already given me more stress than anything else. You simply cannot buy anything at the auction house anymore because there are strings or hacks or sniping use tools you simply can’t level up your profession anymore stop all help tools like sniping tools and I don’t know what they use these days put bans on them if they use those things because this will cost you loyal players who want to play normally without all those tools and believe me, there are a lot of them and you will really feel it, even though you have millions of players.

They dont care most of it is boots blizztu*d can’t fix anything

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we pay every month to play this, we buy the expansion and we cant even buy anything from ah… its just sad that they take so long to fix it … u may not believe but people who wanted to farm gold and take advantage of this early weeks in the expansion are just furious with this game and will make them stop playing…

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