Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

While you’re at it, can you also make it so its possible to buy items on ah that isn’t max level. I’m trying to buy items on my lvl 70 but even with the “Usable only” filter, and level range 70-70 i still only get lvl 80 items. :slight_smile:

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find accounts who earned more than 100 million gold in AH last few days, ban them and PROBLEM FRICKIN SOLVED :smiley:
There are certain individuals running some scripts/bots/automated whatever to flip the whole commodity market in the whole GLOBAL AH. That requires massive amount of GOLD to be able to maintain the monopoly and dictate the price of materials in AH 24/7.
trace gold and you will see whos causing this.


two hours? its like a day for me now,only unsold auctions come back,whatever sold i got no gold for it

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seems like AH is closed again, would be really funny if it opens up in 12 hours and lags again lmao

edit: it’s “working” again

Now its “working” again :laughing:

Seriously, each of us pay subscription and most of us 90€ for the expansion. And the AH is closed AGAIN, second time in the same day.


I’ve seen this suggested elsewhere: let us select items at higher prices to buy. I don’t care that 3 pieces of ore are 10 silver cheaper. Or better yet, allow me to put in a purchase order! Purchase as much ore as 200g will get me.

I’d rather be able to buy goods on the AH than get them the very cheapest.

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You counted all who paid 90E ? wow, you are amazing! would you rather have the AH behaving like it did before it got closed first time? Cause that is exactly what happened after it opened. Let them fix it properly this time, maybe just maybe it will all be working as intended then!

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But that doesnt solve the lag. They need to stop that false traffic generated by automated scammers.

Something must be done with the ability to UNDERCUT goods.
IF they cant scam people to sell for cheap, they will stop flipping it.
Something like every commodity’s price can be lowered by only 1 gold per minute or so. :smiley:

BTW, do you realize that this lag is actually helping the scammers?

Earlier on, I tried to use the broken AH to buy three items of profession equipment for roughly 30 mins. Three listings where most of the items were the same price.

All three of them were ‘item not found.’

Why? It’s not like ore, where people are constantly buying.

If the item isn’t available, it shouldn’t be listed for purchase. I should see that item disappear when I refresh or try the AH again. But the entries are ‘stuck’ in a state of limbo.
If it is, I should be able to buy it.

Isn’t this more of a technical issue with the way the AH works in the background?
Are there more players now than there ever were, or more bots?

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But that only started appearing after the lag and followed by other AH bugs.
I think thats just the consequence of AH being literally LAGGED TO PIECES :smiley:

On one hand players want it to get fixed, on the other hand they also whine when Blizzard attempts to fix it and have to take it down temporarily.


Auction House is laggy - Players Complain.
Auction House is closed to fix lagg - Players complain.

Conclusion - Players like to complain.


Well, AH should NOT be laggy since blizzard make millions of euros


Doubt ppl would complain if they actually…you know…fixed it?


It shouldn’t be, but it is.
:poop: happens. Deal with it.

They took it down to try & fix it.

The AH was closed for 12-ish hours today, and when it re-opened, nothing had changed. The same lag, the same “not found” errors, the same “searching…” issues.

If they actually had made any improvements after shutting down the AH several times this week, players would probably complain less.

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