Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Completely disgrace by Blizz


The Faster this game Die the less pain we suffer

Why are you paying to play a game you want to die?
You are actively contributing to its continued existence.


Any news ?

I need 20 minutes to buy 5-6 compos to AH :frowning:

kill me whit silince

Then why dear god are you actively paying to keep it alive?

Doesn´t matter if you´re buying tokens for gold and turning them in to gametime or paying for the sub up front, you are still paying… unless you consider your time to be worthless and /or haven´t yet realized that you can cash out your gold into blizzard balance via tokens and turn that into sellable game codes.

They fixed the scamming by putting a delay on selling items.

But the problem with buying stackable items was not. And now it’s friday evening…

Its a total disgrade - 2005 AH was way more smooth - 20 years of experience and this is what we get?

The game does not have to die for you to not suffer. You can simply just stop playing it if the AH is that important to you.

Don’t worry they also have a zone event, which causes the whole zone to lag out and they’ve not fixed that either :stuck_out_tongue:

beta game lol

Auction House is laggy- Players defending it
Auction House is closed to fix lagg- Players defending it
Auction House opened after 12 hours of “fixing”- Players defending it
Auction House not working as intended again- Players defending it
Conclusion - Players like to defend.

crazy to me that some people are still defending it and telling people to stop complain xd


This legit makes me want to quit game. Just let me play the game, ok? kkthx

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small indie company :clown_face:

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and didnt…what are you not understanding here lol

What Auction House really important for…? Get golds from which buy your items?
90€ the expansion with AH dont thing. Only expansion give new adventure no AH thing

Where’s the one about Guildbanks completely wiped?
Yeah, everyone yapping about the AH but so few about the guildbank issue. Strange really.

wth you on about they dont cost money, and ah BOTS are what are " abusing" these addons ban the bots…

You dont know what scam means… and if you dont know what something is worth and blindy undercut and sell way to cheap that on you