Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Where were you when Blizzard was hiring


This is ridiculous, can’t level professions, make gold. Even at early hours of the morning, the lag is out of this world.


Early access really was pay to win. Then the equipment AH actually worked and you could sell gear to make gold.


As a personal point of view, if someone can’t implement a LIFO backend stack correctly, I wouldn’t encourage them to start a rocket science project even only using Newtonian physics. But that’s just me being a bit frustrated :slight_smile:

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Took the whole week of immense AH lags and bugs and all we got is “we are aware”. :clown_face:


AH is disabled now… great timing, no AH for the weekend, and my hundreds of stuff gonna expire from the mailbox in 4 days :frowning:


Bots are out of business. Lets hope they will manage to survive with half bilion gold they just manage to scam during this lagy week :smiley:


No AH = no lags, problem fixed :smiley:


a few suggestions how you can improve AH:

  • Add rate limiting, for example 200 AH queries per 10 min (should be more than enough even if anyone wants to post a whole inventory, regardless of whether someone uses addons or not). This will allow players to use AH freely, but will block “snipers” who uses scripts that scan entire AH continuously like DDOS looking for some cheap items.
  • Add possibility to post multiple non-stackable items (and multiple stacks?) in single operation (for example someone with tailoring want to post 10 bags, instead of posting it in 10 operations like it is right now, make it in 1)
  • Add maximum unit buy price for buyers, and radio input choosing option what to do if whole desired quantity is not available anymore (buy any available amount within max price, don’t by items at all) - this will resolve issue “This item is no longer available”, because, I can declare I want to buy 10 ores for max price 10g per unit and the system will buy what is available up to 10g (without forcing me and 1000 other players to buy this specific 1 item for 1s at the same time)
  • and maybe for future: Add some functionality for the AH addons usage, which can return whole AH listing with current/avg prices in single operation with a limit like 1 query per 30 min/1h. This will allow normal players to have pretty fresh prices in their addons DB, but with rate limiting from 1st point will prevent continuously scanning. (even better if this will be calculated like once every half hour server wide and just return the values instead of calculating it every time someone’s addons ask for it).

TSM and other mods have been around for years. What’s changed?

Global AH + bots getting too greedy :smiley:


Just because something has been there for long doesn’t mean it’s good.
AH addons should have been removed years ago, but better later than never.
AH is closed what’s the ETA? Don’t see any updates about Blizzard taking AH down??!!


Ban TSM and similar addons… If your unable to detect the bots, than this is the way to go.

Laggy / Disabled Actionhouse ruins everything for majority of players. Cant even lvl my professions just because of this bot problem…


The auction house is closed :x

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mental illenss


By intelligence if you mean ai / bots they do it eventually in waves and they also come back in waves so Im not sure how effective it is as solution but I guess it also brings cash flow if it makes them buy new games to continue what they were doing when they come back.

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I know I’m repeating myself but if you guys implement buy orders and add some minor QoL improvements, you could simply ban addons from actively interacting with the AH (even making queries) since all core functionality would be in the game.

If this lag is caused by the AH being cross realm, and having ton of communication between servers. Well, no clue how to improve that. Good luck.


aRe yOu aKsHuLLy blablabla :nerd_face:


Well, as of now it’s not just “degraded”. It’s “The auction house is unavailable now”. Are we sure this expansion is not still in beta early access?


This aspect isn’t rocket science. The AH used to be horrible so people made addons to compensate. Then these addons got more functionality than the game ever intended and even created performance problems.
Blizz has been improving the system gradually but at some point they’ll have to take a stand and either block or seriously throttle them because people won’t just stop using them since they practically automate making gold.