Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Ban TSM and similar addons… If your unable to detect the bots, than this is the way to go.
They can absolutely detect them. If it’s a plugin, it is installed in a folder, and they check compatibility when the game starts. That they don’t want to is another story and a “business” decision by the bean counters and lawyers.

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And if normal people can use these tools to insane efficiency… Just think what the bots get to do!

Personally stand by the opinion that if certain addons are used to an insane degree, devs should look at why and figure out if it’s worth it to make the addons feature a base-game feature in some way. Yet in the case of TSM, it majorly exceeds the needs an average player should have for trading.

Current AH base ui is Okish as now, only major addition that could balance things out would be to add buy orders to the AH forcing you to sell to said buy orders if you want to push the price of something down. Like GW2.

I don’t like the idea of artificially limiting prices. It’s like saying “we admit our game’s economy is so garbage it needs safety rails”.
I think the most valuable feature in AH addons is sniping items for a certain price even when you’re AFK. If players could create buy orders, people could actually see how much others are willing to pay for something and those who just want to sell it instantly could do so, while the goblins can play with margins.
It would be efficient performance wise since it happens entirely on blizzard’s end, and there’s no need for any addons.
It would also eliminate the “item not found” error because when you try to buy something that disappeared, the system would just create a buy order in your name for that amount/gold and it would be filled within a few seconds when a seller lists something.
These concepts have been working for decades in other games.


I wonder what happens when AH is available again, thousands posting zillions of items at the same time… scary thought

It doesn’t artificially limit the prices though. Players have to deposit their gold to place the buy order and it sets a floor for that items AH value. This way it’s much more difficult for groups to manipulate prices by just undervalue stuff and buy up unsuspecting players sells. Also prevents accidental erroneous listings, no longer people selling stuff for 10% of it’s value but rather at 80%.

Think GW2 even got an economist to design their TP or at least to watch over the games economy.


I put around 200/300k worth of storm dust up for sale yesterday, fully expecting a nice little mailbox to log back into. Nope, i got about 40k back and no more auctions are listed. Items have just gone?! It appears its all of the rank 3 storm dust that is a goner. Urgh


I wish they would also disable AH addons


Nice fix guys, the auction house went from being super laggy, to being unable to buy certain items to certain items disappearing s to now completely not working at the moment.

We are definitely moving in the right direction.


I agree that it needs some of the add-on functionality incorporating in the game. However, as it stands, without add-ons there would be limited stock available. For instance, there’s no way I’d be posting my 450 different L25 pets once every couple of days and manually checking the price of them (my pets are in groups based on a min/max price range to avoid accidentally posting at either a too-low price or something way over-priced). I’d rather just delete the less valuable ones and I suspect many other large users (I’m not a mega-millionaire goblin by any stretch - I just play a lot of alts & do pet battles & legacy dungeon runs on most of them for tmog) would do the same.
Playing the Auction House is a mini-game in its own right.

However there is no reason why additional throttles could not be added to Auctionator and TSM, such as full AH sniper runs being limited to 1-2 per day.

They would also need to put limits on transactions per hour per account. As one poster above, it still wouldn’t stop the bots as they’re probably using scripts, not add-ons.

Well i can’t say anything for certain but when i posted auctions the last couple of days it took 5-10min before they appeared on AH. I think you should contact customer service and get this sorted out but the items may still be there waiting to be proceeded to the check out with long delay.

I was trying to buy some items with 5+ more availability then boom ITEM NOT FOUND so hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.

If Blizz discovers it’s an issue due to query spam they’ll be throttling that down, or even break it… Blizz has been known to do blanket effects.

They already did similar for Premade Groups Finder way back in Legion when it was causing spam, lagging the servers with everyone using automated queries checking groups to see if a Rare or activity was up that they were interested in via a keyworded listing.

And iirc they disabled the Premade Group function temporarily before rolling out their fix…

They could’ve throttled the querying function of the addon, but they flatout broke it. Kinda miss it tbh, it allowed me to get all the World Raid Rares in WoD for their mounts within a week getting that pop up to join while I was busy doing something else… :stuck_out_tongue:

12 hours later and it’s down. Just ban those scam and snipe addons that spam scan the AH 24/7 already and you’ll have removed over half the requests the auction house gets already.


Ban users and TSM! Until there is a fix I prefer no TSM rather than no AH at all


So we had to pay in order to skip the rest of the swarm slowing down the AH… Seems like we are the ones that lost…

that is not botting

Most of them that are posting 1 item at very low price and insta canceling it so they might trick another users to post it lower are botting/scripting.


Auction house has now crashed on the servers connected with; Draenor. You have not announced this anywhere as far as i can see. Can you please give us some information regarding the Auction house and the items we have for sale? are they going to dissapear, are you certain that you have all the data collected so we dont start to lose gold/items due to your lack of propper management of the auction house “servers” - we all know if we start losing items its just bad luck for us. Any information regarding this would be the least you can do to your paying audience. Best of luck fixing it !

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I just started receiving expired auctions despite AH being disabled, so I guess you don’t lose a thing.

yeah i understand where you are coming from, they needed to speed up their process, as you said, it was supposed to be a trusted system, now not so sure :c

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