Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Ey Buka,what happened with the weapon you lost due to this?

Compensation for what exactly??

I’m sure you’d be upset and demand compensation for that as well. So lose lose situation really :man_shrugging:

You making real world money off the AH or something? Because otherwise I’m still not sure what they’re compensating you for


Still the same ah, vanishing my items into thin air. Nicely done. No comment from blizzard, nothing. Nice game…

A part of the AH lag problem is explained in this post on reddit:

So many people are farming and posting right now that the snipers are hauling in droves of gold by tripping peoples posts while the prices are already stumbling. If you just refresh spam you will see mats go from 80g per to like 10g per for a split second. That’s because the snipers post mat for cheap and because bots, farmers, and others are posting so fast without paying attention they are tripping their post and tricking people into posting hundreds of mats for cheap. They have their sniper setup to nab those accidental posts in a heartbeat. They post 1 for cheap and pull away hundreds that they can repost for a spicy profit. They rinse and repeat this process in multiple markets in a matter of seconds.


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They seriously need to temporarily limit searches/scans to like 5 item checks a minute… regionwide AH on release week is causing havoc, and it’s going to worsen over the weekend with even more people.


now the question is, why did AH start lagging 1 minute after the downtime? were there really that much people in 1 minute time to make it lag that hard? hmm

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Yes, literally every1 was waiting for it to come up.

I wonder why blizzard won’t introduce a price-damping control tool.
Say, for most of the basic mats (dust, ore, herbs etc.) introduce a limiting tool that won’t allow the reduction of the price for an item by more than 10% from the average price of the last 100 (or whatever number) sold items.

Item not found… Item not found…

And its still there if you search again…

Best AH ever

We’re not allowed to automate gameplay.

So why is automating the AH allowed?

Detect these people and just get rid of them.


Because using addons for post in the ah is not automatizeted. You still need to make one click for post 1 item. Who post more than that is not using addons, but script programs.


sure, at 15:00 afternoon, everyone was spam clicking AH vendor to see when it’s gonna open xd

you clearly weren’t there.

sorry to say, you are deluded…

Still freaking broken…

Sigh… if you don’t know what is going on… don’t comment.

YES, it is botting. Cause it’s done by the same account every few seconds 24 hours a day.
So, unless these people stay in front of their PC without sleeping and eating just clicking a button every 5 seconds, these are bots.
If you had actually looked into it, you could’ve seen for yourself.

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Now its literally impossible to sell anything on AH, cant list any item.
“searching… searching… searching…”
“create auction” is forever grayed out.
“you are doing that too fast” it says. wtf ?

UPDATE: it was random bug i guess, now its working, after relog it came back to “normal” 10 sec lag delay :smiley:

You cant even buy stuff too.

I needed 30 Minutes to buy ONE profession tool…

30 Minutes…