Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

The scanning is completely automated, you don’t have to search each item 1 by 1 yourself. Searching for each item manually is the slowest part, not the buying.


Many people are blaming this on bots, while it is unlikely that many bots exist for this purpose at all these days.

Others blame addons which use scan and snipe functions, but while these do cause some of the lag they are not the only cause of it.

Blizzard added cooldown timers on posting and cancelling auctions, in response to all those who complained about being instantly undercut whenever they posted anything of value. The servers cannot handle the amount of cooldown timers it has to count.

But what allows people to instantly undercut others, is using addons like TSM, while sitting on top of a mailbox with the auction mount.

Without these addons - people would be forced to click through their listed auctions - 1 by 1, to discover if someone had undercut them. Then it would be a few clicks to cancel an auction and a few more clicks to repost it. The addons greatly reduce the amount of mouse movement and clicks in order to speed up this process, yes, but this isn’t the main cause of the lag.

What must be done? Remove the cooldown timer on posting and cancelling auctions, and block the search and scan functions of the addons.

You can’t exactly “ban” an addon without making it so that no more addons would ever work with the game, because one may simply make a new addon. But you can block certain functions and not allow addons to use those functions… such as search and scan.

Making it so that only the default auction interface may search and scan would reduce the lag caused by addon scans. Then (without undercut scans) there would be no need for the cooldown timer on posting and cancelling auctions…

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At this point i just hope blizzard to ban all ah addons. Then the people who hate them, will cry because they can’t no more buy golds for their raid, because no one will be buying tokens and the ah will be empty.

Wow so we had 10+ hours of complete downtime on the AH. Its back for minutes and already lagging hard as it did before. Great work


nice it worked for a whole minute after being closed for 10+ hours and we are back to “item not found”

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It’s back…and somehow even worse than before and it’s not even afternoon(people are at work)…impressive :clown_face:

It is worse now but I expect that’s because there’s now actual players and bots flooding it as soon as it reopened rather than the usual come and go. Expect it will settle back to normal not working but makes you wonder what they actually did in that time.

WHy dont you just go back to how it was when people list things stupidly low its invisible to everyone?

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Why was the AH down all morning? It’s back now but nothing has changed

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Literally nothing changed, this downtime was for nothing

Just get rid of bots and it will fix the issue. A multi million dollar company shouldn’t have problems like that just from their player base buying normally items. On the other hand if you have softwares scanning the whole AH for lower prices and bots putting lower prices to mas buy in those prices you will have problems.

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at this point, this is completely unacceptable blizzard, you take the AH down for “fixing”, and return it 10x worse than what it was before, fix the AH (along with every other damn bug you got into the game with the worst launch in WoW history), here’s a tip, shut the game down, actually do work on it, then bring it back with COMPENSATION to players.

You didnt play past xpacks did you ? this is nothing compared to what happened back in the day.

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Why dont you just do what you did before and make the undercuts invisible? It worked before and you already did it, are you trying to keep the scammers happy or something?

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i’ve played since vanilla, so yes i have.

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this is definetely not the worst launch in WoW history

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Warlords of Draenor is the worst launch in WoW history, this isn’t debatable

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More often than not the items I post to sell are just vanishing without a trace. The only way to fix the issue is to use a buy/sell order system like all good AH’s do in the next expansion.

Yay, stock market in WoW. Finally

AH still works sh$t
Nice over 10 hours of downtime to come back to garbage

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