Auction house transmog option

Please add the option to filter the auction house for items with unlearned appearances. As a collector I find it really hard to find BoEs with appearances I don’t know.


Good idea, I approve. Stamps a horde insignia of approval on Troll’s head


Also make an option to set the price range (min 0 - max 10,000 gold for example). It takes me a lot of time to click on the pages to find out which items I can afford. If I have 10,000 gold in my bags, I dont give a … for the 2412412123 other items listed in AH with 10k+ gold price ;p

I think this option was available a few expansions ago.

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I would love for them to introduce a filter for this purpose.

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There is an addon for that called Collectionshop. I use it myself, highly recommended.

https ://


That’s not something the UI should do it’s too complicated. There’s addons as said above that do this well.

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