Auction house+mails

All the money of items i’m selling and solved this morning - since 8am - in the auctions house (for contribution for example) is not coming in mail.

1/ fix
2/ send the due gold.

It’s already frustrating enough that I can’t play 8,3 content cause i’m a mac user. If i can’t even use the AH on top of that, well no point playing.


I have the same issue on my bank alt.

Last night I listed some things in AH and saw 3 enchants being sold. Today when I logged in my mailbox was empty and the listings had disappeared from the AH.

I won’t list any new things in AH until I get the money from these first ones. Should I make a ticket?


Same issue. Items were listed as sold. No gold or items received in the mailbox.


Same here Multiple characters with AH auctions sold, no gold in my mail. I even keep a certain amount of stock on those characters at all times so I actually know the amounts of items I’m missing which have sold. And this isn’t some small amount of gold I’m missing either…


Same here. I do not receive any mails for expired or sold auctions, additionally to the fact that I have one mail which causes my inbox to freeze, so I have to permanently keep 110+ mails for that mail to not be shown.


Hi guys, sadly we don’t investigate these issues from the forums directly. However, the Game Master team ingame is investigating any cases like these. If you submit a ticket ingame or through the website for your character they will investigate any possible losses in the mail.

Do make sure you include any important information about the Auctions such as:
What items were lost? / How much gold?
When you lost them?
Which character/s are affected?

With this information they can hopefully narrow down on any issues. I can’t guarantee that the items will be found but we will try our best to locate them.

Edit: added about gold losses

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I don’t think we are clear enough and / or if you don’t understand, but it’s not only the items that disappear, it’s the gold from the auctions being sold.
I didn’t receive any from any item sold this morning. I see the actions sells being listed for one hour with cash amount, and after the delay expires the gold isn’t just sent.

It is not about some items being lost, it’s a general bug.


Well the hardest part is that I don’t and can’t know the exact amount of gold lost because there is not a log I can access to see this. Normally this is registered once the item is retrieved from the mail. But as others above pointed out, we didn’t receive the mail. So the only information I have to go on is that items are missing, and I’ve seen them sell in the last 2 days(as in looking in the AH tab with my auctions and seeing someone bought items) but I have no idea how much each item sold for now…
But thank you for the Blue response, maybe a better question is if the blizzard team logs all the sold auctions (like a log on the server per character). If this is the case they can trace which items were sold by which character and track if they were collected in the mail.


Same thing on my acc, I had 120 Arcanite bars, didnt sell any, no gold in mail and somhow i have 10 now. Problem is that i have a lot of items and mats so its hard to remember every single item. Had 4-5k Spirits of Harmony and now i have 2k etc

wtf blizz…wtf


Same thing happened to me today. Lost over 1000 items’ golds. No trace of them being in AH either in search or auctions tab, No gold in mail after over 3hours of waiting. They all had +24hour duration left too. Reposting more of the same item also didn’t help fix the issue.


I just watched gold from the sale of stacks of pots and drums disappear in real time while going from the queue on the sales tab on the AH to my mailbox.

There’s no gold from sales of stackable items in my mailbox since I last checked at 11pm last night. Given that my TSM restock list now wants me to craft hundreds of new flasks and pots, I can only conclude that I’ve lost gold from the sale of hundreds of stackable items overnight.

I’ve just pulled all my auctions from the AH, sent a strongly worded ticket, and warned my entire guild to do the same.


Can confirm, sold items this morning, no gold in the mailbox. Blizzard, hello? Are you doing anything about it?

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The same problem

This is the new version of “gold sync”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Can confirm, so many sold auctions no received

Hi guys! I confirm the problem on Russian realms.

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my sold items are gone and i didn’t get any letter with my gold for my sold items i have now lost at least 9000 gold and got nothing :@ thanks blizzard the new auction house sucks!


Same issue. Gold / items are gone, and I doubt that I’ll ever see them again.
Pulling my stuff from AH until this gets resolved.


yeah, Blizzard stold our golds we should get it back but i don’t Think that we will see them again. the new AH has a lot of issues and bugs.

Same problem with me sold around 50k of stuff today but no mail, did a ticket don’t think it will help at all tbh, hope im wrong.