Auction house+mails

Could we get an update on this matter? It’s been waay to long without a response on how the “investigation” goes…

Is this being called fixed now and any money not received is now lost?
I’m about 400k down but don’t see myself getting it any time soon as Blizz have been so quiet about it.

Well, it seems like we’re not getting the gold, so call it a loss. Not answering on the forums nor a ticket for almost a week about this… It’s bad, and sad… :frowning:

If anyone is still expecting any gold if I could ask you to contact Customer Support so they can check the Auctions to confirm if the bug is still occurring.

I talked to a Customer Support yesterday and they didn’t really say much about this matter. And contacting Customer Support takes via ticket takes almost a week to get a response. I got a reply that didn’t really help nor say much after 5 days (plus a few hours or more).

I’m still are not seeing my sold auctions from a week earlier so yeah, there’s a big bug here.

Auctions from January 23, 2020 are still missing, for clarification. For me.
Item sold around: 21:21, January 23, 2020. Should have been in mail around 22:21. Not received.

There’s probably lots more missing, I can’t remember all my auctions.

I also have a rather big bug on my current auctions. Currently (at writing time) I have 3 auctions (being recorded with obs) and the time left for them are “49709 Days 18 Hr

The past hour, I’ve gotten most, if not all (I’m not sure), of my sold auctions that I’ve made today but still missing the old ones. Everything has been under constant recording.

For real? I got a reply from CS that even screenprints and video’s are not taken into consideration for fraud reasons…

So if you would be so kind to refund the 200k on lost gold into my bank, it would be highly appreciated.