Auction house+mails

Lets see.

See if the 200k worth of gold im missing from sellign scrolls appears after this latest server restart / maintenance.

after this restart i got all my ah gold from the last week in the mail

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me 2, hope the AH will works for a while now :slight_smile:

Got mine too. Iā€™ll let you know if another stackable sales and i get the gold.

Everything is fixed for me, i sell and get the gold on the mail 1 hour later. Thanks for the fix blizzard.

Finally fixed!

Sales of more than 500 items are still being locked. I have prints of 1.25M sales of around 100k items which havenā€™t arrived. Every other sale is fine.

Anyone seeing this aswell?


didnā€™t sell 1000 items at all only when i do a smaller stack

sold a lot of itemsā€¦ no goldā€¦ this is over 4 hours agoā€¦
The problems with AH had not been resolved!

Yeah mine gold is still missing :confused: I got only 3 mails but itā€™s not all of them.

Yeah, I just noticed that my biggest sold auction (for over 6k gold) didnā€™t get to meā€¦ Every single auction, what I know of, has gotten to me but for some reason, not this oneā€¦ Really? This starting to be a problem? AGAIN? I will wait for, at most, one more hour and see if it gets delivered and then Iā€™m off doing ticket about this.

Oh yeah, this started to become a problem again after I bought a freaking wow token. Before that, everything worked fine. Might wanna check on that blues.

I got gold yesterday from the last 7 days i hope it wass all i have no way of tracking it all.
However yesterday evening i looked in the ah what items whete currently sold.
I added the amount to what i already got.
This morning when i opend the mailbox there wass 14k missing and that is just what i know what wass sold .
It can be even more.

As an update to blues:
Itā€™s been about 12 hours since I sold some items and the one that should have given me ~6k gold has not been delivered. I did take a screenshot just when it was sold and about when it should have been delivered but nope, no gold. It seems like if the value is above a certain amount, you wonā€™t receive sold auctions gold. This started, as I said in my last post, after I bought an wow token from AH.

Itā€™s time to investigate your mail delivery system again.

Still having issues with AH mails. 17 hours after the items was sold and 16 hours after it should have been delivered, Iā€™ve yet to see any gold. Please, tell me youā€™re investigating this again. This is getting stupid.

To give you all an update on this ongoing issue, a recent Hotfix was made that has fixed some of the Auction House issues. There are still some issues under investigation at the present time though, so you may still experience delays in mails.

Thank you all for your patience while we work on this problem, I am really sorry that there seems to be a few more bugs that need correcting.

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At least we got a response about the ongoing issue.

Thank you for all your patience while looking on the forums with posts about the same issue over and over again <3

But thereā€™s no hotfix today that fixes anything according to that and the hotfix yesterday had nothing to do with AH :confused:
The most recent hotfix was 8 days ago according to that hotfix linkā€¦

Blizzard have stopped the gold Selling system on AH ppl who buy free game time for all the golds they makes is the reason

why is Blizzard stop all AH Sellers after the new patch? itā€™s harder than ever to sell after the new patch iā€™m not bying free time for the golds some does but why make it harder for those who dont buy free game times?! why why why Blizzard?!

Issue ID: #69708162

A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response:

Hello Gruthless,

When it comes to verification, our Customer Support team can only assist on matters which they themselves can verify, this means doing so via our own internal tools, we cannot and have never accepted things such as videos or screenshots. To work this way would open our support team up to a wide array of exploitation and abuse.

Unfortunately, issues such as the one you experienced is one we are not able to verify and as such, weā€™re not able to offer assistance in these cases.

Senior Customer Service

If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket.

Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did.

Blizzard Support

For sure this is the same as saying p#ss off
Screenshots and video content not proof???
What a freaking lame answer.