Auction house+mails

I a sold a load of rich jelly other day and thin jelly, gold from that didn’t turn up and most likely other stuff i just can’t remember i posted to sell and didn’t turn up, i’m just not posting anything now till it’s fixed, it’s just not worth it.

items and sales recorded… best hope that’s true… i mailed 980 Abyssal healing pots from my main to an alt… 50 stacks total… logged over to alt… and there was 4 mails from my main all titled “Abyssal healing potions” clicked open all… received 480 potions out of the 980… 500 missing… open ticket… GM told me i only sent 480 and nothing going as far back as the 12th indicating more than that so obviously i must have been confused at how much i sent and sent more a while ago… this was sent Wednesday morning Patch day… my alt was created on monday… so far i have had 1 response to a ticket , i replied and still waiting for a second response…

will this fix be applied to items lost from mails sent from character to character not part of an AH transaction? i have lost mail i sent from 1 char to an alt and also missing gold from AH transactions. bit of a double whammy here

fix this already u idiots. I NEED MY GOLD FOR RAIDING AND GAME TIME

Complete useless and trash support as always u guys are a fkin embarassament

I’ve just sold another 2 things today and gotten nothing for them. I think I’m well done playing AH in this game. I have so much up on the AH at all times I have no idea how much I’ve lost so far.

Removing everything and then I guess that’s it.

its impossible to play the game right now, YOU CANT use the fkin AH, it’s a gamble , i cant fkin do anything cuz im taking a risk of losing those too you fkin trash idiots

its allways like this and it will be so next time too.

What about to tell us what you guys on Blizzard have done or maybe not have done. Why can’t you send a massive mails with our missing GOLD until you have fixed the problems, SEND US THE GOLD!!!

I think that we will not receive the items/gold back

Yeah, think so too… and no update on the matter either… :weary:

sold around 300pots and received 0 gold… ok im not using the AH for awhile

I hope they are able to sort this out as im looking at 450k being lost if not. At the end of the day its not the player bases fault and i understand its a new patch but this should of been testing before realese. PTR exists for and them being pushed by Activison to release something thats not ready is not fair to the customer.

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Come on, please… Get it together and actually fix this problem. I made a new action for something that wasn’t worth much, just to see if it was fixed, but no… >_>

After a kind response from a GM via ticket (28 hours later… wow). I’m not going to quote the whole ticket but for future reference to others that have this problem, this is what I got.

Please note however that while there have been a number of issues, most of these were temporary issues. All auctions, sales, bids have been recorded correctly. As we mentioned here: nothing should be lost as a result of these issues.

If you are still missing items or gold please be patient as mails should eventually be delivered as we continue to address and resolve these issues with hotfixes and updates.

I would ask that you remain patient, in some cases players reported that staying offline during the night allowed the mails to show up. In any cases this continue to be something that we are actively investigating further.


I would ask that you remain patient, in some cases players reported that staying offline during the night allowed the mails to show up. In any cases this continue to be something that we are actively investigating further.



As someone who posted hundreds of auction worth tens/hundreds thousands of gold on multiple characters this bug (along side so many, many others recently) is something that really made me think is WoW really worth my time and money any more… For the record I like auctioning (AH Tycoon), as part of the game, more then let’s say PvP :laughing:

As someone stated on these forums previously WoW is subscription based game and in my case in over 10 years of playing it’s been close to 2k euros so far payed and some a bit more quality support is expected. Made you ask yourself have 8.3 even been properly beta tested or it’s just splashed live with fingers crossed hoping for the best.

It’s nice to occasionally see blue post that this is “work in progress”, hopefully it will be sorted quickly and we’ll be flooded with gold and items but as days pass it really becoming quite frustrating.

New AH looks amazing. Negate need for multiple addons and is really fast BUT ain’t working as intended. No UI resets, overnight logouts, char deletions and restorations or some voodoo magic won’t solve this. It’s system bug and it have to be sorted systematically. Please do fix it soonish.


Still no mail :nauseated_face:


It is been now what, 5-6 days for some? I feel like if mails will arrive, then they arrive after reset.

let’s hope the fix is today!