Hi there!
It seems, an old bug returned. After 30-40 minutes, all and every NPC audio dialogs stops playing, the NPCs remaining in silence when I click them. Other sounds playing fine, even player character sounds.
None of the sound options change during the bug, the dialog option stays on the 100% where I put, but still, no voices.
After some research, I found a topic about this bug, it happened to a lot of people last year’s april.
The bug was a VChar length overflowing and thats muted the NPCs.
I tried the following, but none of them fixed my game.
-I disabled the suspected addon (Details!).
-I deleted the suspected addon (Details!)
-I deleted all of my addons (TomTom, DBM and BetterWardrobe)
-I ran a search and repair tool in the Battle.net desktop app.
-I deleted the WTF and Cache folders AND I ran another search and repair.
It seems for me, the new “shoo the ducks away with the horn” quest cause it somehow, maybe it overflows something.
I submited a bug report ingame.
If someone has any idea what I should try, I’ll try.
Here is the old topic for reference (remove the extra spaces I had to put in)
If it’s a bug, even a reoccurrence of an old bug, then CS can’t help you but you can report it Bug report in game.
Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
Click Support.
Click Submit feedback or bug report.
Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
Click Submit.
It still happening.
But I made some tests, and my results are… interesting.
This bug only occurs at Elwynn Forrest, near the inn, where the event is up. It seems, the never ending horn sound, or the ducks quacking overflow the VChar lenght somehow, most of the time, after 20-30 minutes of egg collecting. In other zones, there is no problem, no matter of how long I’m in the game.
Also, at night hours, when there are few player, the error does not happen, or it would happen after longer period of time that I did not wait. So, most likely, it’s the horn’s sound.
A simple full client restart solves it, but it is frustrating.
I’ll update the issue after the event is ended and the ducks and the horns are gone. If it still happens, I’ll need other solution.