Aug LF Raiding/M+ Guild

About me:
30 yo, DF rio 3300+, know my class and how to play, learn tactics, always prepared for the raid (flasks, food etc.), calm. Professions: Alchemy, Leatherworking.

What am I looking for:
Stable guild with static and regular online players. Alt raid runs would be great too.

I’m not interested in social guilds, spam guilds, guilds with no raiding experience, and for the God sake no interviews. - iKupr#2140

Is your greatest weakness chocolate? The only unique thing about you is that you are a twin, but you would like to coordinate mental health prevention initiatives? Then SaveCowEatPanda Criminal record is a must! and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

added you bud