Augmentation Evoker looking for guild

Hello Everyone.

I recently decided to try out the Evoker class and taken a liking to the Augmentation spec. I am looking for a guild to try out the different raids and some mythics if possible. I used to Raid abit in wow classic, until I quit Cata for War Within, but I have not raided in retail wow since Castle Nathria.

I play on Argent Dawn and am Alliance.

hey! Our guild is looking for more raiders. We are looking for an augmentation evoker that is raid-ready.

Our guild focus is to get AOTC, but we will push into Mythic at some point.
Our raid days & times are: Wednesday + Sunday, 20:00-23:00
Add me on Discord: Ody93 if you wanna have a chat.

Good day Drackö,

Maybe not entirely what you are looking for il give it a shot. please check out,

Hey Drackö!

We are a group of friends who has been pugging heroic together but now want to bring in a few people to run heroic raids together as a squad.

As it currently stands we all have experience from AOTC and some CE already but wanting to make our own home in TWW. Raid days and times are to be set but it is looking like Wednesday & Sunday.

(( We are all extremely active and run loads of M+ and push on the side of raiding so you’ll always have people to maximize your character! ))


  • Be a minimum of 20 years old
  • Can raid Wednesday and Sunday ( At least one )
  • High attendence to keep a close and tight roster

Currently looking for:

  • 5 dps
  • 1 tank

Will not specify more than that til we see some intrest! :slight_smile:

Please add me: Jallz#2113 on!