looking at buying my next bullion item, either cloak or trinket, online tells me my 3rd buy should be the trinket but ive just simmed the trinket on MT(7) and im losing 13-14k dps
looking at buying my next bullion item, either cloak or trinket, online tells me my 3rd buy should be the trinket but ive just simmed the trinket on MT(7) and im losing 13-14k dps
The simstring you linked is broken
To your question:
For mass AoE Aug will fall behind, but AuG will make up for it on ST and - it can highroll something crazy.
To simplify your process decide if you want to go for 1t 5min sims, 5t 5min sims or dungeonslice. Why 5t 5min and not 12t 5min? Fury is capped at 5t cleave, and ST gains direct benefit. M+ is both trash, prio targets and bosses. So while going hard for mass AoE, your actual DPS and not to mention effective DPS will suffer.
Trinkets you want for M+ is generally (for AoE value) Puzzlebox, then stat trinkies (OCE, icon, etc). You can go for AuG+Puzzlebox, for a bit more focus damage. If you dont like Puzzlebox, there are alternatives, I seen people use anything from Hoofs to Enduring Dread Plates. At the moment there are tons of options out there. It is a question of what you prefer.
It is your choice if you want to sim based on 7t sims, I just think you should reconsider. Sim again, 1t 5min and 5t 5min, and see what happens.
As to options other than aug:
Hope this was helpful, either way you go - I wish you the best and happy S4!
thankyou also my link works just gotta remove extra ‘’ / ‘’ infront
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