Embrace your melee priest life! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I use it as a melee but I’m not sure which it is. Is the trinket available on the caster loot table in LFR? That’s usually a big indication.
Can you test it on the dummies to see if it’s near you or near the target you’ve hit?
Nearby to the target of the spell. It’s fine but most casters don’t have crit interactions like DH to truly make it potent. Better off buying something that gives stats with your bullion.
Shadow half your spell interactions can’t crit and you really just want other things. F is an exaggeration but getting it at all is incorrect.
it’s around your target of course. As frost mage you always get full value from every proc sinc one glacial will cover the bonus damage
but there are better options - I got it in last season as a power move more than the actual value of dps but it simmed OK