So the changes that coming seems kinda ok ? But DK was no way near op as balance druids ,frost mages , ww monks , feral druid , sub rogs , sp even warriors that are not in best shape are doing more fine + Dk is no longer so called (anti-caster) class we pop AMS and got deleted insta , melle training us we die kiting even, cant recover at all ! And i think we must be compensate at some point , like we know death strike wont be unnerfed ever , make IBF 1 min cd talented half of the classes in this game have already 1 min walls some even have 2 (the second one long cd but) ! The conclusion at the end is we cant Death strike , wall 2 min and gg after that , AMS dont exist when press , oh i forgot we are wheelchairs also. Or change DK to wear cloth ahahaha it will be more fit
i love it when people cope like this
dude DKs literally cant be slowed below 70% meanwhile ur slow is exactly 70%
u do realize that if there is a 40% movespeed difference between u and ur target the latter will never be able to outrun u right?
lets also not forget the fact that clawing shadows is 30y and death coil is yet again 30y
Hmm so rogs i think got 60% slow poison (from range also) dh 50% from the glaive , warrior 50% , monks same all classes got near to our slow + on top of that lets see dh fell rush 2 charges ,felblade also, vengeful retreat,1.5 min hunt (i wont count meta but hey ^^ ) ,warrior (fury) leap charges near to 100% uptime , feral shapeshift remove slows24/7 (gl try chains that guy) + good speed and leap ,mages we all know , locks with the changes port to few planets now so ez , ww monk 2 rolls , port , that flying kick also + speed buff i think tiger palm charge at short distance also, rogs speed buff 2x shadowsteps , shadowstrike i think still doing the stuff when in dance , hunters i wont even talk about them the only who are near to dk wheelchair style is paladin and still they got that horse + freedoms and DKS with death advance cant be slowed below 70% and get 35% speed (45 sec cd) cool so any of the classes above even if they apply the 50% slow on us our normal speed is 85% or but even if they dont put the slow they still reach dk 24/7 so ? Yea you right bud DK is the new Speedy Gonzales !!! We cant be slow below 70% WHAAAAT this is so broken deff needs a nerf ! Somebody call Uther i demand justice
thats 30% for dk
so outside of roots there are no class mechanics which allow people to kite a dk
and try reading that part again
deaths advance makes u immune to any slow below 100% movespeed so its a 30% boost if ure slowed compared to the passive
O ye i was wrong about that , and yea what i gonna do with that 100% or even 135% speed i dont know rly i feel like Flash
its the fact that u cant be slowed more than 30% and ure slowing for 70%
get over it
dh fell rush 2 charges ,felblade also, vengeful retreat,1.5 min hunt (i wont count meta but hey ^^ ) ,warrior (fury) leap charges near to 100% uptime , feral shapeshift remove slows24/7 (gl try chains that guy) + good speed and leap ,mages we all know , locks with the changes port to few planets now so ez , ww monk 2 rolls , port , that flying kick also + speed buff i think tiger palm charge at short distance also, rogs speed buff 2x shadowsteps , shadowstrike i think still doing the stuff when in dance , hunters i wont even talk about them <----------------------------------- you miss all of that , put glasses ! Cya
dh sucks when slowed by chains because fel rushes do like 15y charge and retreat is a 25s cd, no other way to remove chains
locks cant kite dk because their only way to kite is slowing and slowing doesnt work vs dks
if u are getting kited by locks its a skill issue
fact remains that the other classes OP mentioned are roaming free while an argument about asinine movement and skill issues takes up all the time.
i wish i did not see this every day.
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