General info
- Think of us as one entity, made up of two parts. Raids will be a bit try-hardy, but there’s always room for players that just want to hang around as socials.
- The guild will strive to clear all content before the next phase begins. This means 2 raids/week, with an alt/social run on the weekend. We identify as semi-hardcore, where the emphasis is put on absolute effort and commitment to the raids due to having just two days per week.
- If you are looking for a guild where you don’t have to rush too hard during phase 1 to get raid ready, which is filled with veterans + newer players, in which you can find an awesome community and grow as both a person & player, hook us up.
Raiding info
- We aim to clear all content available at the highest pace as we can for a 2raids/week guild.
- We have raid availability forms ready for you to fill out when joining, to help with the raid structuring.
- We plan to raid 19.00>23:00 CEST/CET (Server time) with two 15 minute breaks inbetween. Days are not yet picked.
- Raiders should have close to a 100% attendance since we raid 2 days only and show up fully prepared to progress.
- Please note that you need to be able to handle criticism. We expect you to have an absolute knowledge of your role/class, and if you don’t-
be willing to learn fast and well.
The only current requirement is for any applicant to be atleast 20 years of age.
For any further information or if you want to join up, contact anyone online!
Placeholder What we are currently looking for: Placeholder