Language(s): English.
Raid Times/Days: Thursday and Sunday, 19:00-22:00 server time.
Current Progression: 9/9NM, 9/9 HC.
Recruitment Contacts:
(Bnet) Lunaala#2454
(Discord) smokeyjane_mike
(In game) Adorabat, Snuzzle, or Chiknsammich.
Requirements: Stability in showing for raid, a healthy attitude, and a working set of earphones, or a headset for communication. Real life comes first, but people will be required to warn us advance, on the appropriate Discord channel, if they cannot show.
Needs: 2 Healers and 3 Ranged DPS. Folks with flex roles appreciated. Mage highly sought.
Additional Information: We are a long standing guild, that takes a casual approach to raiding, and gaming in general. We are AOTC focused, and have no intentions of transitioning into a full scale mythic guild.
We start with Normal difficulty in new raid tiers, then move on to HC when folks have a few pieces.
We do M+'s, and use Discord for all signups and such for raids, M+'s, and other activities. Socials and M+ goers are always welcome, in case you are looking more for a social group, than a raiding one.
You can whisper me in game, on Discord, Bnet, or reply to this thread, for more information.