Autism Awareness Month: anyone else having difficulties with raids?

hope yr doing well, talking is good for us all . I believe we all have problems just some people don’t know it , take care

Uhh,turn off sound and put your graphics settings to min?

if you look at the biographies of an einstein, maxwell or newton, you can clearly see that they have autism / asperger or have traits of it. and see what they have achieved! for example, all three of them had difficulty with school, were happy to be alone, and Einstein forgot to put on socks when he went to court, and so on, and so on…

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Hi all, to throw in my perspective (I’m on the spectrum, not that that’s a particularly helpful phrase since it affects everyone differently), I’ve found life a little easier playing ranged characters since I get a bit of metaphorical distance, meaning things are a bit easier to pick out and I have more time to react.

I was running dungeons on my warrior for those super annoying tidalcores, and between the boss AoEs, the mage’s blizzards and orbs, the chain lightnings, the demon hunters glowy green stuff, the different coloured but still green poisoned stuff and the six different messages on the screen about not standing there, and the various flashes from my abilities bar it’s pretty much like someone threw up the entire game on the screen all at once. How any neurotypical person can deal with that I don’t know, and I don’t have my graphics turned up that high.

Obviously there’s nothing constructive said there, it’s more a “feel your pain” story (So I can now tell my doctor I’m displaying empathy lol).


This is a good point, though. I am a lot calmer playing a ranged in group content than melee. Less clutter on the floor, less people surrounding you, you can kinda take in the surroundings.


I play this game since TBC and im still clicking, get confused, get lost, im terrible for the most part, and i suck at raids and such, luckily mythics arent so hard to farm. Still harder than for normal people. I enjoy chill out and take it easy.
You can do zandalar raid in LFR if you mean for the quest.

to be honest tho, seeing how BAD mekatorque fight is for certain groups of people (colorblinds mostly) I doubt blizzard cares much about minority groups.

very sad.

If i have time, ill try to organize a raid for people who cant raid in the future


If you guys are still up to this, I will join for sure. Got fed up with bad words and abuse and I started to shun away from any group activity because of this. I have my own problems and for sure can understand and empathise with all of you in this thread.

Have a horde char at 117 lvl, if this will be a horde community, and this pala at alliance. Will help with anything needed, I am a healer.


If we have colour blind people in group we tend to call out the shapes instead. I realise most groups will blurt out the colours.

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yeah but regardless, its a very bad design. just because there’s a way around it doeesnt make it any less bad imo

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Personally I really enjoy the fight but we had to sit the shy people in the raid who aren’t willing to talk on mic or don’t have one.

I think it’s a fun mechanic and I don’t see the difference between calling out a shape or a colour.

It’s not the only colour mechanic in the raid either. On Mythic Jadefire you need to be able to turn to the right colour mob for the five sided strike. The ring does become more predominant around the mob that is going to charge next but it’s an advantage if you can see the colours too.

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Is almost in this way. Even in regular content history you can die… mmm now im thinkin… its true. I never died once when doin the storyline at 120. A thing to think about.

While not colorblind, I understand if Mekkatorque is one tough fight for lots of people for many reasons. But for those who are colorblind It would’ve been simpler to display numbers on top of the bots. The icons on top of the bots don’t even look exactly like the icons on the buttons.

And I think they partially solved the communications problem in LFR by making you see your own bot’s icons on top. I’d prefer if normal and heroic would just have had more icons in a row instead of how it works now.

I may as well mention I am also someone who streams from time to time on Twitch more of a hobby than making a career or gaining any kind of fame or is that infamy on the net. So just thought if my fellow AS suffers want to see the man behind the character here’s the chance to do so.

Oh and one caveat there is infrequent use of strong language by me when doing my commentary. Any way here is my channel.

I agree with this.
Try changing different settings in both video and sound, to reduce excessive activity on screen and in audio.

Late to the party, but thank you so, so much for this thread. I have both types of ADHD (inattentive and hyperactive), Asperger’s, and very nasty anxiety from a combination of the above and PTSD. Addons are simply overwhelming, and storyline content locked behind dungeons and raids is quietly destroying any joy this game gives me.

As far as everyday gaming, I’m a musician, so turning down everything but the music has worked really well in preventing sensory overload. All bets, of course, are off in large group content.

Somewhere up above, there was a mention of a Discord group for Alliance players with issues like this. Is there a Horde equivalent? I’m sorry if I missed a post listing one. I can’t speak for anyone else, but even the idea of queuing for Battle of Dazar’lor starts a panic attack, and I’ll never be neurotypical enough for a guild.

The SoD community does have a horde side, but from what I can gather in the discord it’s sort of closed off to the public.

A few of us have some horde chars in there but it’s not at all active like alliance.
And no plan at the moment to expand and put more work on it wich I understand. Taking care of one community/guild is work, having two to manage is a lot of work.

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This! It was made by one of our members for horde alts. Since most of the players in SoD main alliance we haven’t got the time or interest in managing a horde community aswell. I sure hope someone makes one though. It takes a while to get communities to grow and require ppl to put some effort into getting ppl talking and joining for runs but it’s worth it in the end :slight_smile:

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Understandable, and I have a Draenei DK that would be good for that, but I’ve really been more focused on my Blood Elf. Horde-wise, the idea for a guild specifically for people on the spectrum, with ADHD, etc. has been floating in my brain for a while. For anyone, really, as long as they were cool with the basic premise of the guild. If that’s something anyone would be interested in on the Horde side, poke me. :slight_smile: I’m not on as often right now due to the end of the semester coming up, but it’s something that would be nice to see on the Horde side.