Auto-dismount when harvesting (legacy content)

At least one of my non-druid characters is able to start harvesting while hovering on a mount above a herb or ore, getting dismounted in the process, in legacy areas (i.e. everywhere but DF). Most of my characters get an error message “You are flying” if they’re not strictly on the ground while starting harvesting. Does anyone have an idea which setting, item, or other mechanic could cause this difference?

Only setting i can think of is the Auto Dismount in Flight in the options under Gameplay > Control. If that’s on then casting spells and abilities will dismount you so i’m assuming if it’s off you would get a message saying your mounted.

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Thanks, but that’s on on every charater in my account. I eventually found out that it depends on profession: all my mining characters can start harvesting ore while hovering, while all my herbalists must be on the ground to harvest.

My guess is that it’s because ore often appears on cliffs, while herbs usually are on plains, but that may be far-fetched.

Get this mount and you will be able to herb whitout dismounting on all chars .

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