Auto Translator, PLEASE

I’m still struggling to learn that language :smiley:.

Why I have to learn english when you don’t learn the other language I don’t speak the english to anybody but my games. It is wrong. I say unpleasance if you donot think it is good enough than OK you can go to bottom of ocean for it. Selfish

Your patters minging

So many complete pillocks like you. At WHAT POINT did I ask people to learn English? (Which, for the second time, it is not my mothertongue btw)
I am asking for a translator feature.

The only on-topic responses I got was


And I thank those people for the insight.

For the rest of you, you missed the point of the OP and started malding over nothing, bombing a suggestion with off-topic bullcrap.
Congratulations, you ingenious humans!

You seem like such a nice person. Shame people who do not speak English miss out on the benefit of getting to speak with you. If only there was an auto-translator that could facilitate this wonderous experience. Ah well…

The disgusting entitlement of people demanding people speak English, while most of the world speaks multiple languages and English speakers are monolingual :nauseated_face:

We need more immigration fast, start issuing VISAs to all people without an English proficiency test immediately

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You are extreme right, racist, and chauvinistic. White TOXIN

actually no.
The amount of people who can speak english is way below 50%

Yes new generations learn english in school, but still without much practice their english is quite bad regardless. You will only learn if you practice in a real environment.

we can already be happy that the world managed more or less to favor one language at all.

btw. living here in China, basically nobody speaks english, especially not on a level that anybody can remote understand. Considering they are 1.3 (?) billion people, my guess is that you are far off with the amount of people who actually speak english. Most asian countries just struggle with English, as well as most eastern european countries - heck even the french don’t need to learn english in school last time I checked

It’s embarrassing.

I’m Scottish. Only speak English.
Had no requirement at school to learn any other languages.

Was visiting a friend in Portugal a few weeks ago.

They are fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English (as are most folk I met) and get by in French and German.

I do my best to pick up the basics of any country I visit, but I’d never “demand” anyone speak English to me anywhere.

I mean… English does happen to be the current lingua franca for a considerable chunk of the world. That’s sorta why most people learn it–not because they are so in love with the UK or America, but for the ease of communication.

And it’s not like OP was arrogantly demanding that people learn their language (hell, it’s not even their language); they asked for a very reasonable feature which would actually make the game much easier, so…

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Old days when you just lead with raid warning macros!!

Wasn’t so much aimed at the OP but more at the few folk who’ve replied with “why don’t they learn my language (English)”

Like everyone has to bow to them.

Yeah a good chunk of non native English speakers also speak it, but we native speakers could put in a bit more of an effort with other languages

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Ah, fair enough! Apologies for the misunderstanding.

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My first language is Swedish. Why should they not learn Swedish instead of me learning their language?

Welsh here, still waiting for my ‘tir cymraeg’

you can be fairly good in speaking English but that not nessesairly mean you can put in on paper correctly .

Almost all of the games don´t have your language. Not enough Swedish speakers in Wow or Voice actors couldn´t do that

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