Autographed painting of Anduin

I’m quite disgusted tbh. I’m disgusted at how an autographed painting of our beloved king and hero, sells for 7g 20 silver. How dare you mock our king. How dare you make it a grey item.

Shocking display of affection to our royal savior.


So that’s what happened to my door mat!! I knew that dodgy Goblin I invited over for a cup of tea had nicked it!! :angry:


King sure… hero? Think you’re confusing him for his father.

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How very dare you! >:(

He’s a HERO, he has his fathers blood. I will not have him mocked. >;(

your right 7g 20 gold might be to much to ask for it how dare you rip off the hard working vendor

if anything you should be paying the vendor to take it off your hands

now if it was a painting of the glorious regent lord its value would be beyond messure

So what has he done then that’s so heroic?

A painting of Anduin is at most worth maybe like 1 copper and that’s a stretch…


I cut it into pieces and used it after a bio break!

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Fixed it for you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

There are others who worship Liadrin. She isn’t my go to choice however.

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May Alliance burn you all to the ground!

He destroyed Undercity and exposed Sylvanas’s MASTERPLAAAAANZH.

As an Orc, having been on the wrong side of that, I’m sure you didn’t like it at the time, but in retrospective it was a pretty good thing to have done, wouldn’t you agree?

He didn’t though. Sylvanas destroyed the undercity by covering it in plague. Unless you want to imply that Anduin is the one that decided to plague Undercity making it uninhabitable?

As someone who prefers alliance I really don’t care about the Undercity.

You know… it’s not often that I’m extremely confused, but gotta admit you got me here. Even if she planned bombing her own city and calling the Horde “nothing” (she clearly didn’t, you can see that on her facial expression) due to his attacks and provocations, he still put her in a position where she was forced to forfeit her homeland and then her armies.

She was completely deranged. She tried to make every defeat look like victory by announcing she just didn’t care, but it was defeat - and it was at the hands of Anduin. Twice.

That’s the difference between the cool Sylvanas from WC3 and the bad Sylvanas from BfA/SL. The old Sylvanas kept grasping victory from the jaws of defeat, the new Sylvanas kept grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory. Thrice.

Same… xD

Was just trying to RP a little :smiley:


She did plan on bombing Undercity though, there’s a reason she tried to lure him into the throne room. I’ll give you the end at Orgrimmar though, but Undercity was clearly planned as she had the entire room boobytrapped.

I’d argue it was at the hands of the Alliance, Anduin didn’t really lead the fight to be fair. From what I remember it was always Genn leading the troops and Anduin sitting in the back crying to the light for help (or getting owned by an orc and being saved by Genn at Undercity).

She planned it because she knew he was coming - she didn’t burn the tree to make him attack - she only burned it as a spur-of-the-moment attempt to harvest souls. Then, when she knew he would attack she knew she could not win, and THEN she decided to give up her lands because she had the ulterior motive of killing as many as possible. It was still a defeat though - a victory would’ve been to blight and kill the Alliance only, then use their lack of army to march to their cities and kill even more of them.

In other words, she was pressured to give up UC.

You remember wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

He literally combat rezzed his entire army, too.

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Fair enough, thought it was a random orc beating him up but appears to be saurfang when I just checked.

Either way, that’s also the only thing he’s done. He is way to bad at fighting (in his normal form) for a prince that grew up while being at war his entire life. He was way cooler under the jailers control when he turned into a semi-Arthas.

Could argue it’s tactial as well. They knew for a fact that they had a smaller army than the Alliance, so getting them into the throne room to kill them (just cause she didn’t tell the rest of the horde that was the plan doesn’t mean she didn’t plan it) with plague would have worked if Blizzard didn’t decide to make Jaina powerful enough to blow up Azeroth if she wanted.

He’s a priest. Lemme know the next time a holy priest smashes you in the face with a greatsword. :stuck_out_tongue:

That part is true, but it would be a pyrrhic victory.

Then he shouldn’t be on the frontline at all if he knows he isn’t that great of a fighter. He’s literally risking the alliance losing their leader. I would however say he’s more in the holy paladin arc of his life than a priest now but that’s besides the point.

Oh for sure, either way I’ve always been rooting for the alliance even when I’ve had to play horde for other reasons.

Surprised it doesn’t display the error ‘the vendor does not want this item’

(just kidding, I like Anduin)

but shes a human simp she ain’t one of ours :smiley:

Like, LIKE!? You only LIKE our king!?