Available for Pre-Order: Wield the Power of Frostmourne

Ok a 50/50 split do ya??

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Of course but focus on nails sales mainly. Wood is expensive now a days.
…And I can only pay you in nails.

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I want this but i have to feed my baby, ffs bliz

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but Frostmourne hungers!!!

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Fingernails or toenails?? Although my wife makes proper metal nails, so i call her my Iron Maiden…

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No idea. I put them all in the same jar but if you’re willing to sort them there’s a nice nail bonus in it for you.

could you fix your EU store first , and it’s got terrible 1 star reviews : / i live in the uk and refused my card and paypal … I know we left Europe but I mean come on. It works paying subscription and store mounts etc so why not on your merch store ?

I forget what I paid for the letter opener version back in the day. Doesn’t seem to be listed right now, which is a shame.

Surely those nails act as first aid kits for you???

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Oooh it is so pretty… alas, even if I had the funds, I would never buy one of these. The last decorative sword we had got knocked by the dog, fell and pierced the radiator. It now is a hidden treasure in our room of “things we don’t want to throw out but have to put somewhere”. Pro-tip: Do not place decorative weaponary above radiators. It’s very messy. :ocean:


What I want to know is how your dog was climbing on the radiator?

Id like to point out that this isn’t the same sword released in 2009 by epic weapons. if you want a very good replica you can probably find one online made by people who care about making the most 1:1 metal replicas possible for a fraction of the price and that includes wall mount.

So my frostmourne on the ice shard stand isn’t very rare anymore :frowning:
Though its tempting to get a second one :slight_smile:

For this i have a solid offer of 17 euros.

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Funny thing is, I’d actually buy it if it was an actual replica and didn’t include the out of place blizzard logo on it. How off can u be to make that mistake?



That’s what she said.

Looking forward to seeing at least 75% of these in 3 months time on ebay for at least 5k…

No… harvest souls.

No, European Union.


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I think subscription and mounts works because that is going directly to ActiBlizz. The EU/UK store appears to be run by a company called Legends, or Legends Hospitality (UK), whom I have never heard of before.

A quick look at their trading history on Companies House shows that there accounts are overdue by over 9 months and there are multiple issues of notices to strike the company off the register! Not a company I would be willing to put any faith in right now.

It’s not quite the same sword as this one does look a lot more detailed than the Epic games version which is still available in the US.

Buy it with credit. Wait until delivered. Don’t pay it off. Wait for people to come and collect the debt. Free souls delivered to your doorstep as well.