Avatar of Ursol


I recently completed the huge quest line ‘Balance of Power’ for the Avatar of Ursol artifact weapon appearance.

I can get the skins to work on my druid but only if i equip the artifact weapons from legion, when I use another weapon and try to transmog to avatar of ursol the option isn’t there whereas other artifact appearances such as Stonepaw and Claws of Ursoc are, is this normal or am I missing something?

When I transmog the appearances on my druid I find I have to select the artifact option from the drop down menu and then when you select the weapon and right click on it in the transmog window you’ll see a whole new load of options.

Example in screenshot below

Can you find the appearance that way?

If you unlock the new artifact appearance you need to log out and log back in in order for it to show as a transmog option. The system only check what artifact appearancs you have unlocked when you log in and adds them to the transmog collection.


For druids they have a whole menu on the artifact weapons when you right click them (see the image in Punyelf’s post :wink: )
Also as Cedrad said there, you may need to simply log out and back in for the collection to refresh after you do unlock a new artifact appearance in your Forge for it to appear in your transmog lists.

Yay for neon bear!:bear:

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Hey sorry for late reply, I did get this sorted I think it was a delay in showing up in my artifact weapon transmog, i had to relog a couple of times before it showed so all working now, thanks for the replies :slight_smile:

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