Awakened Tempostone

We need how these Awakened Tempostones drop to change. I’ve been running alot of lfr recently, on this character and quite a few alts. I’m getting a little tired of rolling for them, not getting any good rolls and it going to someone who doesn’t need it and then in turn them trying to sell it to us in chat. 600k was asked for one today. It’s a real pain in the azeroth.

Any char that has 2k score will get the 4 set for sure this week.

Without it you will guarantee it next week.

That renders the tempostone unneeded. The underlying problem you’re having with the tempostone is the same as all loot for lfr. The system is just poor. It’s rubbish that people roll for 489 whatevers when they have 522 versions (and pull the other one if you think I’m going to fall for the “buuuuuuu transmog” excuse).

No I’m with you, transmog is great (I’m a transmogaholic) but I’ve rolled in things won them then realised oh damn I don’t need it and given it to the next guy. I’m guessing when you say 2k score you mean pvp?. I don’t enjoy pvp so I guess lfr is my only source of these stones. Surely blizz can make more drop.

Mythic plus score.

Assuming they dropped enough of the right items. One of my characters really struggled despite clearing six raid difficulties and about 18 dungeons.

RNG can deny you the 4 set :pensive:

Unless you have had very bad luck most players would have indeed the 4set by this week.
2 vaults, 2 raid runs times 1-2-3 difficulties depending if you want to run LFR and a whole bunch of m+ runs.

Getting to 2k or alternatively clearing the raid on hc grants you a one time token that you can trade in for a HC quality tier piece, combine this with 3 catalyst charges and you have a 4-set, of course you need to have received s4 loot elibible for the catalyst.

A word of warning for people trying to min/max getting 4 set on rat alts. You cannot roll on tempo stones if you have one unused in your bag.

I don’t think this is even an issue. I’m in the process of gearing 8 alts, and literally over half of them already have 4 set without getting a single tempostone.

Oh okay, sorry I haven’t had a chance to run many this xpac so I’m little behind learning about the scoring.

I could roll on a nm and a hc one first week and won both. I saved them until I got mastery token to get instant four set. I couldn’t roll on the LFR version though. So maybe it’s determined by difficulty? I did get nm then hc. But couldn’t roll on LFR after having Nm one.

Probably cannot roll on a lower or equal tier tempo stone then. It does say something about ‘already owning a more powerful version’ when you try.

Thats fair. 2k pvp would be like gladiator almost i think :joy: