AWC 2021 Gets Cracking Today

not warriors
arms warriors
fury buff pls :c

How bout demon hunters ? :joy: best one yet is DH/DK/MW :fist:

You just got buffed!

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Yes, homeless cleave inc this AWC i hope.

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Add %8 more to 0

Oh look ret arms just passively cleave hunter pet :slight_smile: and priest running oom when ret’s goes yoyo with WoG .

Ret healing completely fine :clown_face:

More like AWClown

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It’s just never enough is it.

Dude , spec is the worst out there for pvp
And youre a paladin
Sorry but you shouldnt be the one to talk

Don’t get upset I’m just messing with you man.

I think sv still has a better toolkit than mm, but sv relies completely on pet for damage so that spec can’t be played because of pets got nerfed for m+. Hunters are in a poor spot just because of pets.

Meanwhile ret and war are just zug zug’ing.


Dont yell me im a very fragile fury warrior
I will cry and explode from anxiety

It will all be alright! (probably not)

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Pretty sure it wont
Only if it had anti heal like arms…

Surv does have better kit, but absolutely barebone on the damage department. Ive lost so many games playing surv this week, doesnt matter how well I outplay and kite melee’s they just heal for absurd amounts on instants, I took 6 screenshots just this morning of these 15-17k instant cast heals from melees

Yeah anti healing really makes ur dmg so much more effective.

Yeah hybrid healing, especially from melee, is just absurd. Think hybrid healing is a big culprit when it comes to the massive differences in healers mana as well.
And well, some spec’s having way higher damage than others.

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Pretty sure a 10 stack dw fury warrior with a anti heal can be solid A tier
Probably ww fury x healer will be a S tier comp
Dreaming is fun

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it was painfull to watch this jungle/php

nerf hunters © forum citizens


This is just not quality of gameplay worth to be displayed on holy AWC

As example lets discuss method vs. reload game:
Mage instantly gibed a professional player before he can humanly react to press a single button, if professional player cannot react what chances we others have? and burst like this happen even in 1500 ratting, evry geared mage can do the same.

Those hyper burst spells which commentator calls “wonder spells” cannot remain in game if WoW plans to be serious E-Sport, they crys for rework. Its unacceptable to have spells which can send player to death in blink of eye, before even natural human reaction can occour, this is very low skill and circus like this shoudnt have place in holy AWC.

In addition class diversity on AWC is terrible, which is obvious sight that certain classes are OP, and blizzard need to consider buffs on underperforming classes.