AWC 2021 Gets Cracking Today

Because their job description is literally just to act as a mouthpiece and to “manage the community”. They’re basically people sitting in wheelchairs with their hands tied behind their back, thanks to the limitations put on their job descriptions. It’s why they tend to stick to “community fluff” so to speak, instead of actually facing criticism head on.

It’s because they’re not authorized to respond to criticism on their own.


Its ironic since Blizzards in-game “give feedback” have completely been delegated to wow forums, instead of developers actually having the need read feedback.
And its very well known Blizzard doesnt read EU-Forum feedback. :thinking:


But maybe the goal of AWC isn’t to appeal to every Minecraft kid in the world, but rather to appeal to those WoW PvPers who are interested in spectating a tournament between top players? If that’s less popular than some random Minecraft stream, then so be it. If it’s entertaining to the audience it’s aimed for, then surely that’s all that matters.
Bit of a weird angle you got here.
Watch it if you enjoy it. If not, then watch those Minecraft videos or whatever. :slight_smile:

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I feel sorry for someone who has to represent that company in a pvp section.
Same story with Wyatt Cheng literally knowing how this crap will end with diablo immortal.

And all after we thought “this can’t be worst than bfa”.


No point confronting the blizz rep here, doubt he has any authority to make any statement on pvp either which way.

I’d argue they’ve done better than BFA. Heck, even WoD and Legion had less positive feedback than Shadowlands has received.
But the problems are still many. The good parts are still good though.

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Yea, but he can atleast tell the devs that players aren’t happy with the current balance

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Maybe. But maybe the devs are very prideful and don’t want to hear it.

tbh when have they never been so xd

he can, but Bobby doesn’t give an F
so doesn’t 1750 rated shaman in 2011, Ion

Well wouldn’t it be great if they could make it appealing to more than 20k WoW players? It should be possible, Riot has proven that with League of Legends. And if you take a quick look at this forum, does it seem like people are satisfied? If they actually had a proper UI, continuously fixes to pvp and class representation, maybe it wouldn’t be such a circus, which only a marginal of the playerbase watch. 20k viewers is seriously low and concerning for such a big game.

A lot of holy palas so far xD


Well yeah they don’t care really much, but also I don’t want too see nerfs on Holy Paladin or Discipline Priest, I am actually very happy how they manage to stay in this meta, means Devs didn’t failed so much on those classes, DPS classes few of them are really GODs but many of them keep good state too, nerfing classes isn’t way to balance game cause nerfing one You boost new one, but I want to see changes to few classes like Resto Druids, Mistweaver Monk, DKs and few specs like BM Hunter or Demo locks those should be getting litte buff to make them catch up with others this changes would made MW Resto Druid and few dps back in game while not touching strong classes change nothin to them

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What comp you play kaivax :slight_smile: ?

I’m not sure if mass-appeal is the direction everything should take. Diversity of interests and entertainment is great, and I think it’s great that AWC primarily appeals to people who play WoW PvP and doesn’t try to compromise its presentation in order to appeal to a wider audience who may be less familiar with WoW Arena.
I’m not sure if it’s in the existing audience’s interest to get a tournament that is less catered toward who they are. I mean, the current tournament format is made for people on this forum, so it’s a bit weird to argue that it should be changed to appeal to kids who enjoy watching Minecraft videos. Why argue against your own interests? That’s just weird.

9 Holy Paladins

5 Discipline Priests

0 Mistweaver Monks

0 Restoration Shamans

0 Restoration Druids

so far


Did you see the double unholy dk comp pumping everyone

Did you even read what I wrote? I never said it should appeal to kids, and funny how you keep bringing up Minecraft. It was only a comparison I made to show how ridiculously low the viewcount is for such a big company and tournament - especially with how many pvp players there are in the game. If it appeals to players who play WoW PvP how come it only has 20k viewers? Do you realise how marginal that is compared to the amount of players who pvp? Try actually reading what i wrote earlier before spouting nonsense, then you might have a possible answer to this.

I wish UDK get buffed, but i hope not by simpliest way - NS %. No, i don’t want to push 1 button, ty. So complex spec shouldn’t struggle, meanwhile baboos get fun and giggle.