AWC shows why the game is so unattractive to new players

Proof of that?

I don’t record games with you. But I had a screenshot of your standard behavior so I wasn’t surprised.

Proof of me trash talking zen please?

Or are you room temp iq people incapable of substantiating any claim you make about people you don’t like?


I told you. I don’t record your games but I’ve seen you complaining about the Priest other priest and it was Anastassija and we all know it’s Zen. Besides him you had something to say about others every round.

Again, proof for your claim? Is your answer: ‘I don’t have any’? Therefore, your accusation is meaningless?

So you were impressed by my performance, yet I ‘had something to say about others every round’?

Doesn’t really add up or check out to be logical whatsoever.

At least make your fan fiction somewhat believable and cohesive.

This is not a court and I’m not sueing you. I’m just trying to explain you why players don’t want to deal with you. What would you do about it is up to you

It does. You did well skill wise but not behavior wise. You did 5 wins in a quite a difficult lobby with pre-buff SP which was impressive.

Irrelevant, you’ve accused me of doing something, if you want that to be a respectable claim, prove it and substantiate it. You can’t, therefore it’s a meaningless accusation and just makes you look like a jealous hater.

Yeah, game flooded with racists, stalkers, doxxers, people that like minors is fine but Veetea calling people bad is where we draw the line and is the type of player we don’t want to deal with. Hilarious. Truly a backwards player base.

So why, in a lobby where I win 5 in a ‘difficult lobby…have something to say about others every round’ if I’m winning all but 1 of them?

Anyway, until you can substantiate your claim with any proof whatsoever I have zero interest in continuing this, which is beneficial for your own sake since you just look like a jealous hater that’s writing fiction.

You signed a social contract which said what’s allowed and what’s not. Your behavior also isn’t. Anyway I told you I didn’t say it to ruin your reputation as you already worked on it. I just told you what might be the reason.

Why do you have to type any toxic comments? If you are not interested in these people ignore them. If you liked to play with someone send him message. That’s pretty much it. That’s how you find some partners. Why do you have to comment on someone? Maybe someone had a bad day or was tilted? Everyone tilts at some point if the game goes wrong just different people have different limits.

Haters are the real fans because they follow your every step. I don’t. I’ve seen 2 lobbys with you maybe but ok. If it makes you feel better I can be your hater.

Anyway I wish you all the best. Good luck.

Where’s my ban then?

Which toxic comments did I write? Proof of them?

I also find it hilarious how YOU of all people are virtue signalling about interactions with others.

Oh for the record, I saw you being racist in Lontar’s stream. Don’t ask me for proof of it, I don’t record every twitch chat. But, I know what I saw.

That’s how this works, right?

we need tuning

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Modern games release with unnecessarily flashy graphics which kill off most of your player base instantly, are plagued with performances issues and have spell effects cranked up to 11 because modern game design is “you dont need to make it fun, just make it cool.” - if readability is what you want, WoW 2 will be a nightmare in that regard.

The devs are cleaning up the mess of the old philosophy. This will take some time. They ran the game into the ground for 10 years straight while trying to find what to do. The first was smaller talent trees and homogenisation, then it was the prune in WoD and the housing system, then it was RNG legendaries and no weapons, then it was no tier sets and corruptions and azerite power and then it was covenants. Dragonflight is the first step in a near Herculean task to undo all of those mistakes. This will take longer than 1 expansion. It will probably be mostly fixed by the end of TWW or Midnight.

You took a break from the game for 7 years. You then returned and played classic. This is what happens when you don’t engage with information-heavy hobbies. You get rusty. Happens with music, too.

Bro, you played the game from 2004 until Cataclysm. Of course you knew what was happening in Cataclysm - but even that I disagree with tbh. WoW has always been difficult to read, it is the curse of ability games. Same reason OW failed as an eSport. The only reason League exists is because of the LOOOOONG breaks in the lanes between team fights where commentators can explain what is going on.

As an example - mute this footage and tell me if you can even spot who is who and on what team they’re on:

Now mute some CSGO footage and you can still tell exactly what is happening just by looking at the minimap, with the simple primer of ‘5 v 5, T v CT, T’s can plant a bomb and CT’s can defuse it.’


WoW need to return to his roots, when classes have their weaknesses and strenght, right now anyone is just overbloated with power, anyone can burst, anyone can be blessed by crit gods.

PvP shoud be like watching players play around their weaknesses and utilizing their strenght, right now this is imposible because anyone is just bloated with power

Yes, back to TBC and Cataclysm.

The gameplay was slower, but far less frustrating.

simplified is not bad

its just that arena is a terrible watch experience

lol is a simple game on paper but in reality its not


Better but Cata also had it’s problems. We were also worse. Keep in mind that with all the weak auras and knowledge after all these years it will be different Cata. Imo current game has a lot of issues that are impossible to fix. Why? Because of PvE. Addons - PvE players love them.

My biggest issue in WoW at the moment is the amount of buffs and debuffs. It’s impossible to see anything through them without any weak auras filtering them. In MoP I could just watch at buffs on target and focus bar. Now it’s impossible.

we literally just had tbc pvp and it was terrible.
wotlk is one of the most popular pvp expansions with the biggest private server scene and it was still pretty dead when classic wotlk arrived.

Cata will be the same.
You guys are blinded by nostalgia.

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It doesn’t mean that it has to be exactly the same.

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