AWC shows why the game is so unattractive to new players

It was 100% during EU day because we watched it together. People on my discord weren’t interested in NA so I watched it alone.

True. We can only guess. Imo what meta needs are some damage nerfs to Havoc, R Druid needs further shift on healing from treants to Druid itself. This will be enough to enable more specs. I feel casters are actually quite well balanced - we thought Ele and Arcane will dominate but there are actually all caster specs in the ladder and Shadow was underrated by most players after buffs. Where the game is imbalanced is meeles and healers. Havoc and Outlaw are by far the best. There is no point of playing Warrior atm because you can play Havoc not to mention Frost DK or Feral. Also healers are quite imbalanced. R Druid, R Shaman and H Paladin dominate. Fistweaver, H Priest and Disc are weaker but can work in specific comps and Prevoker with caster MW are in dumpster tier. Imo Prevoker needs the talent that Devoker and Aug have to lower CD for Quell. This way it can play positioned offensively like R Shaman like it’s supposed to with it’s range. And caster MW needs either any more utility or other way to commit into kills besides it’s average CC or some mana buffs (or maybe mana cost buffs on casted spells). Otherwsie we will only see Mistweavers in Fistweaver form. The issue is that Fistweaver only works in specific comps and doesn’t offer flexibility so you won’t see it much in AWC.

Then I dont remember it xd

I mean yea, there are some changes that I hope we will see next reset (even if I doubt we will) that will atleast make certain specs less dominant while automatically make ppl want to play alot more different specs instead. But who knows… who knows… :face_exhaling:

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Thanks guys, another timekiller first thing tomorrow morning at work :smiley:


Did they clean sweep the entire day?

Why are you so offended by me?

Congrats that’s how AWC works, but Boomkin/Outlaw is one of the best if not the best. And hey, if they didn’t have Outlaw, they would have had Sub, which Liquid in particular are insane with.

Top 5 DPS spec above 2400 in NA 3V3 atm.

Going 7-0 in AWC isn’t indicative of ‘God tier’ in your mind? What level is higher than AWC finals? Enlighten me.

I mean no offence but what do you know when you’re barely playing and when you do play you don’t even do that well. Who are you to oppose what a literal R1 Boomkin player that plays every single day says about your own spec? :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ty for the chuckle bro x

actually what im saying isnt even based on experience but mostly on statistics.

you can check solo, 3vs3, 2vs2, AWC and it doesnt matter if NA or EU. In no form or bracket is boomy currently overperforming which indicates its “god tier” status. These are just facts.

A “god tier” spec cant be the 7th or 10th best dps statistic wise no matter what your definition of “god tier” is.

i hearing this the first time. Vetaa or how he is called did just say that some r1 boomkin is saying boomkin is god tier and that the meta will become a boomkin meta which i answered too is just not correct and meta + statistics give me right.

We can argue all day but in the end your only argument is “supatease said so in a video” which isnt convincing at all.

:rofl: you cant be serious

you are right that shows that the spec is god tier. We are truly in a boomkin meta. (sp has btw the same representation in NA above 2400, guess that spec is god tier too)

i cba really. obviously boomy is in a decent state but we all know its not “god tier”. Just admit it and stop with this ego thing lol. Its not even an argument.

The same with “Only my definition of god tier is the real one”. :person_shrugging:

I know its hard to understand that you can have different understanding of things depending what it is all about and just not your personal view overriding everything else. I know you are bias though so its understandable to a certain degree.

So you arguing about something you dont even know about why you arguing?
Just fast look through WHY supatease thought the way he did about it could have been valuable to any sort of argument. Just plainly ignoring it just means you werent bothered to even try even if it only takes like 2-5min but instead went the “statistics + my experience” route when that had nothing to do with it.

Its not difficult to research why someone believes something in one way before you use your own experience and statistics to prove something you dont know why it was said to begin with.

It’s a statistical fact?

I would put SP in contention for being regarded that highly. Nice attempt at a gotcha, shame it fails.

I think the 7-0 clean sweep in AWC shows that it’s god tier. You conveniently ignore that, I wonder why?

You’re really insistent on using 3v3 statistics as if the game isn’t completely inactive and therefore the statistics aren’t entirely indicative since the game is full of QQ’ers that are crying that the MMR is bugged rather than actually playing.

Let’s take a look at you for example:

You last queued one of your Boomkins on the 26th January, where you played 14 games. Before those 14 games, your last session was on the 4th January.

You last queued your other one on the 5th February, where you played 18 games. Before those 18 games, your previous session on that character was on the 8th JANUARY.

Yeah…really good sample size to represent performance statistics. Good analysis from a guy that’s, like I said, barely even playing the game.

So it appears that since the recent changes made to the game, your experience with the current meta on Boomkin (beginning from the 24th January when the tuning was applied) is a total of:

32 games.

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tell me your definition of “god tier” then? is it between b and a tier? sorry but this is pathetic. We all know what god tier means. Everybody knows it. Just stop it.

im arguing about a the statement that said “boomkin is god tier according to a r1 boomkin”. If someone says that to me without context thats all i can argue about? How should i know in which context this was said? At first he didnt even said which rank 1 boomy said it. Should i watch every stream and video of every r1 boomie to find it?

which shows that boomkin is BARELY in top 5 in this particular NA 3vs3 ladder above 2400. If this is your definition of god tier then we have like 5-7 god tier specs right now. Okay!

we both know sp isnt god tier.

because its 7 games. The week after it looked completely different. besides that there were almost zero boomkins in the awc.

you can look at the ladder, watch awc or watch any stream and you see its not a meta where boomkin is every 2th game. The spec just isnt god tier. Its good, especially paired with outlaw, but thats it.

you mean the one where they nerfed boomy armor?

I’m the one playing it, you’re not. SP is fantastic.

You do realise other changes are also indirect buffs?

The ladder that is deflated and not indicative of performance because of people like you?

The AWC where Boomkin went 7-0 and won the thing? That AWC?

You barely play the game, like I’ve demonstrated here:

Forum warrior more concerned with biasedly defending a fantastic spec than actually playing the game. Disgusting.

32 games played in 3 weeks, yet you think you’re qualified to comment on how strong a spec is, rofl.

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Its pathetic that you refuse to understand that it can be different than your own personal view.
He based it on the ability to push. You are basing it on the spec itself.

Ive already explained several times that you seem to not even remember or you refuse to understand because of your bias narrow minded view.
You are the kind of person, even if they try to explain as easily as possible to you, if it does not line with your personal view it doesnt exist.

You are arguing about a state of a spec which I never talked about to begin with. How others argue with you, I dont care. But because you are simply too narrow minded you change how I write in your mind and argue according to that.
If thats not pathetic I wonder what is.

I feel like he’s being wilfully dense at this point. Well, for his sake, I hope he is.


Well Melby was considered the best Moonkin for years. He is over 40 atm if I’m right so he is past prime for sure. There is a reason why Fuseton called his Moonkin Melbysprime. Also he has way more achievments than you buddy and 150 cr above you in 3s. Few people might be better at the moment but I didn’t say anything wrong imo.

Ooo somebody’s a bit touchy.

He hasn’t been regarded as one of the best for years but you feel free to keep thinking he is buddy x

I’m not a bit touchy. Just clarifying the things.

I get it he is not the best at the moment but still way better than you so why are you so sensitive when I said this.

Considering he has access to the best players in the game I would be embarrassed if he HADNT achieved more than me.

Not sure how it’s relevant to anything though? Are you trying to make digs at me by comparing me to other people because you know it would be hilarious if you compared yourself to me?

Saphea and Theo are definetely multi rank 1 AWC players xD Dude he played with players he met at RSS and enjoyed playing with and he got glad 1,5 month before you.

It’s exactly the same like comparing you to these people. There is also one more reason why you don’t have access to these “best players in the game”. Nobody would stand you for more than 2 min. I’ve seen you in the shuffle and how you behave.

The same shuffles where you said you were impressed by how I play? Those same shuffles?

Yes. You know how to play but your behavior was opposite to impressive.

Was funny when you were trashtalking Zen.

Yet it’s got me further than you are ever capable of.

? I have never trashtalked zen, rofl?

Cope x

Was funny when you trashtalked Zenlyn.