Awesome idea : Solo Mythic+ dungeons!

No more key destruction by some random dude
No more waiting 10 hours in front of the god-awesome group finder gameplay.

Yea, that’s another thread about this issue.
Yes, I try to do my own keys, but when I do, people ruin it before the 1st boss.

I’m just tired of being unable to play. Why am I paying a subscription, exactly ?

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People couldn’t even do torghast at launch and you think they’ll not cry until they nerf this into oblivion?


Not all mechanics are solo-able.

Make it like Guild Wars 1, then. Give players the ability to recruit mercenaries NPC to fill the missing roles.

Maybe your groups are just failing because you’ve reached your skill ceiling? Not sure having a few NPC’s along for the ride will benefit you if that’s the case?

Some groups just have no synergy, usually 1 or 2 elitists in the group, not doing what they should be because they’re too busy watching the damage meter and worrying about what everybody else is doing.

Ok so make WoW solo game? I don’t think that work in a MMORPG game, most people would quit the game!


I’d say one of the great aspects of wow is that you are held back from progressing w/out people, yes it makes pugging a nightmare, but its really why i play wow, its really good game to socialize in :]

If it was solo i would get bored really quick

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Pretty much this. Sadly.

You can’t deny the pattern over several expansions, at least as long as I’ve been in the game.

Step 1: Blizzard make a hard thing
Step 2: Many, many threads complaining about the hardness
Step 3: Blizzard nerf it to the ground and beyond

I’m a proponent of “tourist” dungeons, just to see them and for quests that are otherwise blockers for some people.

And I’d also love to see a scaling “mercenary” model, where you could hire a team of AI helpers to do a dungeon solo or with a friend.

All of that is a way for Blizzard to stretch and repurpose dungeon content.

But don’t kid yourself that you will ever get solo dungeons for relevant rewards while maintaining the integrity of the process.

There are other considerations, like spec balance, that would make it unlikely as well, but AFAICS, that is enough.

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I don’t understand your logic here. I mean, other than the typical attempt to look smart or better in front of a bunch of strangers.

I’m basically saying that if all these keys are failing, then you’re probably the reason :wink: , but I guess it’s easier to blame everybody else?

Terrible idea.

It’s multiplayer content.

Yea, I understood that very well. What I don’t understand is why do you think this could be the case ?
I mean, when the freaking tank body pull a whole pack of mobs after wiping, how can it be my fault, when I did manage to survive in the first place and I’m stealthed near the boss, waiting for everyone to come back, for example ?

But, don’t worry, I’ve noticed some of your comments on other topics, and I know you love trying to trigger people or love to imply you’re super awesome. :kissing_heart:

Of course, it is. It’s sarcasm.

Muh bad, on the plus side your sarcasm is on par with your logic!

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See, everybody but yourself is the problem :wink:

No need to be racist :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t know your memes, dude.

I do, but if you don’t see the issue with that one, you’re all sorts of wrong xD

OK. I admit it. You got me. :hook: