Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

Go inside your Azeroth Home to learn about the tools you’ll have at hand to decorate with. Whether you’re looking to make the cover of the Gadgetzan Times, or you are designing to strike fear into the hearts of your visitors, you can make it your own.

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Thank you for the advanced mode. The basic mode would have been the absolute bare minimum but advanced mode, if it ends up being at least as good as we see here, will be great. We know you guys also said there would be a couple options when this rolls out but keep in mind that a customizable theme will eventually HAVE to be included. And options in many zones.

That said, this will be a great start, IF all the cool cosmetics aren’t paid cosmetics and we can still get great looking stuff from, idk, raids or reputations, like when you added the pets and put them in the drop tables of even previous dungeons, raids, etc. I would personally be fine with a few exclusive items on the shop but the vast majority would have to be earned in game just like mounts and xmogs.

Also some atmospherics would be great. Human cottage lighting doesn’t really work on a void temple sort of place, or some fiery pit of doom with spikes everywhere, or, well you get the picture.


Looks very like ESO UI but with the addition of the wallpapers etc. I love the tardis effect too because hello, we have magic! Why not?!

I see Nelf stuff, basic stuff, Goblin stuff… dyeing? Oh my goood

Just need to see how we’re getting all those things now. How many are available at the start? Where do we get the decorations? Will there be a profession for furniture or for each profession e.g. scribes make dye.


This is absolutely amazing. The fact that you’re making a very freeform housing system wherein we can edit objects and mix them together is a godsend to those of us creatively inclined.

One can practically feel how you developers treat these tools as a player would. Brilliant job, I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Here is to hoping that neighbourhoods will share similar levels of customizability, so that we can transform an area like Durotar to perhaps even resemble that of Hellfire Peninsula.


:christmas_tree: :santa: :mrs_claus:


I like what I see, this looks very promising indeed.
I hope Blizzard actually manages to deliver on this.


so basically, you’re copying New World’s housing but only with 1 house instead of multiples on different zones in the game.

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New World housing wishes it looked like this.


How dare they copy the game content of having four walls and a roof from this and that game who may not even have been the first to do it! (Floor may or may not be included).

More customization is good. If it works and is good, it’ll spread.


I like the simple fact you can attach assets to a large piece and move that with all said assets moving it with, like that Table in the demo. :smiley:


This is more like GW2’s housing.

Actually this is almost 90% GW2 housing but will less room to work with.

GW2 has housing?

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Yea, was released in August of last year. blizzard announced housing shortly after. (Well i say short but was still months after i believe.)

I’ve not been this excited for an addition to the game in a long while.
This seems to be a step above most other MMO housing systems and I’m here for it!

There’s a lot of great things they could add to this for a little more depth too, for instance, this is crying out for some profession updates like:
Jewelcrafters making lights/picture frames/ornaments
Tailors making rugs and curtains
Leatherworkers making couches and taxidermy beasts
Archaeologists making display cases and maps
Blacksmiths making fireplaces and fishtanks
Alchemists making certain dyes and plant pots
Inscription making paintings/portraits/scrolls/book shelves
Cooking making food items (not the most inventive in this list)

A carpentry profession or some sort of dedicated ‘furnisher’ profession would also be good for more broad furniture concepts. Maybe have entire lines of furnishings be crafting-specific to that profession.

This might actually get me to delve into crafting for more than mounts if it ever came about.

Also, as a side note: trophies for rare elite spawns as well as raid and dungeon bosses, or maybe new (and old) achievements awarding trophies or certain items.


Hyped! I can already see my massive party room in my mind :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


This seems to fulfill even the highest expectations , huge props to the devs

The only thing that I would like to see , if it is not possible to do already , is to have a “burrow” like house or a “hobbit” house , especially if the interior size is not dependent on the exterior


In terms of interface it looks approachable. And I guess that’s what’s ultimately important, because that’s essentially the “gameplay” of Housing. To move furniture around.

And I must say I am still scratching my head over this feature.

It feels like it’s a simplified version of the developer tool. WoW Edit or whatever they call it. Whoa, amazing, I get to play as a salaried interior level designer at Blizzard working on World of Warcraft!
…Why?! I pay Blizzard to hire people to arrange the chairs and the curtains in the buildings in World of Warcraft. Why should I have any interest in doing that myself?!

And between the house decorations and the influx of transmogrification appearances, WoW essentially gets a layer of The Sims added to it. Apart from having to control the character myself, the whole Housing feature looks like an experience out of The Sims.

It’s what the people want. That’s what they keep saying. I hear 'em loud and clear. But man…I just don’t get it. Why on earth would I ever feel compelled to log into WoW to move furniture around?!

Can I at least get the ability to drown my character in a swimming pool?


Great job! I’m incredibly hyped about Housing in WoW. Everything in the interior looks almost perfect! I added some ideas below.

Interior Feature Ideas:

  • Allow up to five floors (as example), with various stair designs to support multi-level structures. Additional floors should require more in-game currency to build.
  • Introduce cellar levels with multiple design variations for added customization.

Exterior Feature Ideas:

Plot Size & Grid System

  • Minimum: 7x7 grid blocks.
  • Maximum: 30x30 grid blocks or larger if possible.
  • The bigger the plot is the more in-game currency it would cost.

Architecture & Customization

  • Enable players to design exteriors grid by grid for maximum creativity. This could potentially make “housing competitions”.
  • Alternatively, design faction- and race-specific items, such as unique structures for the Undead, or Goblin from Undermined. These items should be unlockable through various in-game sources.
  • Introduce special exterior items, or wall designs etc. obtained from different in-game sources and zones. This would make Housing as new Transmog system literally.
  • Additionally, if custom house designs are not possible, make different house designs like 5-10 to choose from. Some of them obtainable from in-game sources, or bought via shop / Auction House (via professions for example).
  • Possibility to design yard.

Integration with Existing Features

  • The Garrison system could be repurposed with new blueprints, unlockable at certain levels.
  • The “Architect” title could be revived and integrated into the system for a thematic touch.

Even More:

  • Add new skills such as Lumberjacking and Carpentry (as someone else suggested) for furnitures and such. Most likely Lumberjacking is not that wise to add though only for Housing, but maybe in the future.
  • Add Housing into Auction House, so players could sell and buy pre-designed / pre-built houses. Ownerships literally get transfered for currency.
  • IDOC system (In Danger of Collapsing) if possible with War Mode On.

Everyone else’s house: 598+ custom items placed with absolute precision and care
My house: The items that give some benefits (ie bank acces if ever and so on) and a chair.


This is legitimately the coolest thing any game has ever done, ever. I hope the devs are incredibly proud of themselves. Thanks for making this, it has utterly blown me away. I was happy with the basic mode but advanced is all I ever could have dreamed of.

In terms of feedback, not that I have much to suggest, could the doors have different permission levels on them? As in the front door could open to a shop so everyone can walk in, but the next door could lead to a personal area and perhaps need permissions.

Could specific books be placed on the bookshelves? I’d find it very funny if I entered someones home and all they had were steamy romance novels I could peruse. :slight_smile:

This is just fantastic, I especially love the wall placement and rotation features! Once again thank you dev team! You are fantastic!