Holy guacamole, this is looking -great-!!!
It looks very promising, I cant wait.
With housing I am more interested in the outdoor/garden element. Can we grow useful items, will we see waterfalls?
“This looks like ESO housing” “This looks like New Worlds housing” “This looks like GW2 housing”
And I say this looks like FF14 hosuing + Burning Down The house mod
Of course they basically looked at multiple other MMOs and adapted them
And I must say, as most others here, I LOVE it
And, Jito, just don’t use housing if you don’t want to move furniture around
I wasn’t bashing them for it being akin to ESO UI, I was hoping they’d use it. They have a wealth of games with housing to look at and seem to be going in the right direction so far.
Talking on the neighbourhood subject. How about guild neighbourhoods!?
It looks like SWTOR housing to me🤣
Trophies were shown on the some first cinematic for player housing atleast, it would be nice addition I think so too.
Can’t build walls in SWTOR. Also if i remember rightly, there where limitations where you could put items? (like a blueprint floor plan with squares?) that was when it first came out like, not played it since.
I love the way you can scale objects. Big fat Taurens like myself wouldnt fit on that bed!
When WoW makes building and decor better than games dedicated to it like the sims, where limitations are bad and without addons limited in creativity…
Rotating on the Z axis is a dream, allowing different swatches between different elements of the same item (RIP Sims 3, you were great), and allowing collision and clipping of items, as well as free placement anchors on surfaces… Im gonna live in this house and be proud of it.
my thought is - people are really really tired of endgame in wow but are to addicted to take a break and play other games
thats why they want sims in wow instead just play sims.
its also why wow lost its soul as mmorpg and endgame (raids and m+ ) is atm basicly some bizzare hybrid of bullet shooter & frogger & time attack game and had almost nothing left from the true essence of rpg game.
Maybe. It’s possible. I do recognize that Housing exists in many other MMORPGs, but WoW is a 20 year old game with a very established gameplay model that Housing feels very detached from because the game has never ventured down the user-created content route before. WoW has just never been defined by that as a game experience.
And again, I get that there’s some appetite for Housing, but I don’t see how it mixes with WoW – not even in Midnight. “Silvemoon and Sunwell are under attack! The world is in peril!..Okay but let me just arrange these curtains and lay down this rug, it really ties the room together.”
At some point it’s like with the Pet Battle feature – instead of fostering interest for it in WoW, why not just make a separate game when that’s essentially what it is?
I feel like if there’s a desire for The Sims, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, MySims, or whatever, then just make a game like that and put it in the Warcraft universe if that’s appealing.
But trust the process I guess. They must know what they’re doing over there in California.
PvP saved !!
Advanced mode. We will be able to mix items together with free movement. I am getting positively excited now.
Looks like thorough system, which means tons of work have been put in.
Why all that work for something people will get bored of in couple of days?
Could I maybe ask the dev team if it would be possible to share housing, say you play your game with your SO, or as a family. Could you have one house (at the agreement of everyone “invited”) that can be shared as such. So say me and my partner could have a single shared house, and say a parent and their child plays could have one too?
Oh man this is SO good I will spend all my time in there
Oh wow this looks amazing. I was really disappointed with the forced neighbourhoods, however this looked so promising.
Wonder if layouts can be shared. Imagine interior designers making bank selling them to those who suck at design, like me!
This seems nice. Basic decoration for people who just want to plonk down basic items, and a sims-like option for decorators.
However, I am still sad about the human/orc theme - if other racial houses were there from the start, I’d level an army of dwarves just to have a dwarf house. Also, how will it work? Let’s say you invest time in decorating your human/orc house (grind), and then, 3 months later other options appear. Grind starts all over? Or can you just “move” your house to a nelf area and continue from there?
One thing I see housing could be used for is dedicated storage, by type and expansion. Example: a “fridge” for cooking mats, tabbed by expansions, auto sort from bags. I’d like to level professions from expansions that I skipped, but I seriously have no more space where to put the items.