Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

this looks pretty good


as one of Blizzards biggest critics,
( i normally disagree with blizzard on their choices)

this look very neat and clean,

i hope there is a “summoning stone” or Hearthstone implementation ,

" Axran is currently AFK playing hearthstone from his home " type of thing

  • i think its a good opportunity to intergrate WoW and hearthstone together with player housing
  • if you click on your hearth in your player housing it launchs hearthstone for you ?

Pretty impressive. As far as a housing system goes you’re hitting all the right buttons.

But I still think this will have an overall negative effect on the game.

You’re solidifying the problem where you’re moving players out of the world.

You guys couldn’t even make classic behave as an MMO. What the heck is going on…

If this isn’t evidence of great developers with bad direction, nothing ever will be.

Other MMOs with player housing are just fine, WoW would be no different…


I was so disappointed with the first article on housing, because we only get human and orc houses, but this video got me hyped for housing again. The level of detail is amazing and I’m pleasantly surprised by the dye system. Can’t wait to see more of what Blizzard has planned.


The placement in advanced mode is already miles ahead of FF XIV and on par with the glorious Star Wars Galaxies.
Everything I read in this article makes me more excited of housing. Let’s hope it will have lots of features (yes, somewhat like garrisons meaning there is utility from there, and not just for show), like specific gameplay systems tied to it. For example, aside from crafting tables which is a neat way to let us go back to our house to do stuff at the end (or start) of a playing session, I hope there can be more to do there.

Warlord’s Garrisons got a lot of flack for some good reasons, there was no reason to ever step outside, but that was also because, well, there was NO REASON INDEED to go out, as there was nothing to do in that expansion aside from raiding. This is clearly no longer the case so as long as they don’t pack it full with things, they can still make them useful for gameplay. Which is what I’m hoping, rather than them swinging completely in the opposite direction of garrisons.

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Of course, anybody still playing is addicted, not just… i don’t know, still having fun?

Also, what exactly is the “Soul of a MMORPG”? Was it just standing still spamming Shadowbolt like Vanilla/BC? I agree that the current amount of “Stuff on the ground, avoid or DIE!” is getting out of hand, but i’m curious about this “True essence” that WoW supposedly lost.

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Had the exact same thoughts. Glad it wasn’t just me :grin:

There are few questions here. How much it will cost to get those decors, which ones you will unlock with the house and which ones will need extra effort to unlock.

Will dyes require extra unlocking?

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Not something I wanted or I’ll ever use.

I just hope you won’t cut other types of content because you’re implementing this feature.

But I’m happy for those who wanted it.

Imagine it being limited to the amount of Dyes you have on hand… Inscription be breaking bank! :stuck_out_tongue:


Can’t imagine it taking much away from development considering it’d be using assets already in the game, with the odd shiny unique decor earned or purchased off the online game store.


No no no, I didn’t understand it as bashing :astonished:
I found it kinda funny and just wanted to add my 2p aswell :yum:

It’s a lot more elaborate than I was expecting, so I am very pleasantly surprised!

I am hoping that we will be able to acquire multiple houses. As a role-player I would like different characters of mine to embrace different aesthetics and locales for their home.

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Once the basic system exists (Which seems to be the case, considering what we’ve seen in the video), the only development cost is making items, which can also be re-used out in the regular game world, or vice versa, think of all the furniture items in Undermine (Or indeed the rest of the game world) that could be re-used in player houses!

That “It will cost you a raid tier”-line really took root in some people’s brains…


I wasn’t that bothered about the housing when first announced … mainly because I thought we would have to put up with the lay-out/colours/contents that Blizz decided. For me, I am now very interested in it because of the amount of things we’ll be able to do to make the house “ours”. As for the moving of furniture, it’s something that probably had to be included. If you get something new, you have to find/make a space for it. Either that or replace something else that you then have to get rid of which I don’t think would be much fun.
And, btw, I’d very much like the items in the last image … Shadow Priest coloured bed and rugs and all those books. To me, that’s heaven!


The world is your oyster.

All the possibilities look interesting. Sadly I fear that most of it will be practically unreachable due to their cost.

Also, as mentioned by others, it surely looks like a “dev/design tool made accessible for users”.

Can’t say I’m too hyped, but it looks promising for those who are into this kind of content.

It looks soooo goooooood!!! Please let us get this earlier than expected :crazy_face:

Sure, but in what context?

The neighborhoods are instanced. The houses are only social avenues. They’re optional. Isolated. You aren’t forced to do Housing. You don’t have to. Housing has no attachment to core gameplay in WoW, like completing quests and running dungeons. It’s not the Garrison. It’s not the Farm. It’s an empty house you decorate in an instance where other players can decorate their empty houses.

It’s a an isolated experience. Its own thing. Cut off from the rest of WoW.

So why is it in the game?

It’s like Plunderstorm where it’s integrated into WoW, but for all intents and purposes it’s a seperate game that could just as easily be its own game.

It’s the same with Housing. If it’s instanced and optional and detached from WoW, then it’s not WoW even if it’s inside WoW.

It seems so weird to push a feature in WoW without really wanting to make it part of WoW, but instead just treating it as a seperate game within WoW.



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