Azeroth reborn

Poorly thought out? How so?

Because it just is.

Retail isn’t that popular amongst the player base the only thing keeping this game in the top 5 mmo’s right now is SOD, Classic and Retail on one sub. It might not be financially worth it for Blizz to more than phone in every wow retail expac because the cost to make it is probably about on par with the level of interest.

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You forgot naga and murlocs and highelfs and ogre as playable races thats always in thos leaks

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No word on Tinker, Necromancer, Murlocs and Highelfs, but can confirm Ogres and Etherals (which is also its own class).

ChatGPT go burrrrrrr

Sure, sure. That’s why they expanded the team so much. :upside_down_face:

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What a load of chatGPT manure

You’ve got a lot of nerve.

Spell-check does not = ChatGPT

This is a leak from a friend who used to work at Proletariat (which got folded into Team 2) and was recently laid off.

When leaking, Point out:

Source, original place of the leak.

If you’re the original place of the leak, explain why you’re a trustable reporter.

Otherwise, Manure.

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Yeah, that can’t happen.

I did add a new section, if you’d like to read that though.

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Will do when I have a moment here :+1:t2:

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To long didn’t read, blizzard will never do any of that when they can just do what they have been doing for the last 10 years and milk their player base for the least amount of effort

That’s harsh. You forgot about the Return of the Kang (Metzen).

It says player housing was introduced in War Within lol

Fake news.

Maybe because they will add it in a future patch?

Check this space.

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