Azj-Kahet (gathering)

Doing “Sparks of War: Azj-Kahet” while also doing weekly mining/herbing.
And doing these gathering professions in this zone SUCKS!

Do Sparks first, then disable Warmode and do gathering.

You get 10 Sparks per WQ, 5 per dirt/cache.

You can get your 100 done pretty quick that way instead of killing players.

The weekly mining/herbalism you can just buy off the AH if you’re only interested for the Knowledge Points, or do it with WM off as mentioned above.

I do the same in WMode with my priest. I find doing the Sparks and the AzjKahet weekly by doing WQ goes quicker than trying to kill players. There are also 2 PvP WQ in the zone this week and both give sparks as rewards. Just kill the adds and if you get ganked suck it up res and try again.

Herbing and Mining is far more easier and quicker in WMode as there is by far less competition. But I agree Azj-Kahet is not the best zone for this as the nodes are hidden on layers. So just go to another zone where it may be easier. Remember there is a potion to show hidden nodes if you need specific herbs and they will be revealed.

For the PvP WQ in the east side as a Priest, with the increased range talent you can farm the mobs in safety from the bleachers stand where the graveyard’s at… even kill melee players down below. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never knew of this potion. :astonished:

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Yep its called Phial of Trusight and is made by Alchemy. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Edit: This potion works for both herbalism and mining.