Back after a long break and LF guild

I have not played WoW for sometime now and feel it is time to return. I am looking to start to RP a new character a Highborne Mage. I am looking for a Kaldorei or Highborne guild as I have not played for some time is there any guilds people know off ? I have role played for about six years before I stopped playing so am somewhat experienced.

You could have a look at these fellas Azure Dawn :slight_smile:


Thank you Pekun sounds an interesting concept.

Aren’t they high elves, not highborne?

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Well they are techinically… though usually when players refer to highborne they talk about Nightborne Nelfs that are proficient in Arcane


I meant they and in reference to the guild that Pekun had linked.

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Yeah, we’re on the same page

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Pretty much what was already said! We accept only thalassian elves (that being, high elves and void elves), whilst I assume OP seeks Highborne-Night elf related guild.

I do wish best of luck in finding one, can’t recommend any since none currently focus around Highborne RP as far as I know. Can suggest “Dirge of Teldrassil” though, if you look for night elf RP! [PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳


I know a few people from Silver Eclipse over on blue side and they are a cool bunch. They don’t have a forum thread, but you can find them over on Argent Archieves.


I recommend looking at this thread, [A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay - #220 by Syruné-argent-dawn

I am aware that there is also some Starweavers around as well, a highborne guild, though not shown on the forum.


Thank you I may attend

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